Yes it is. If it potentially messes with my property value or perception from a future buyer, then I’m gonna be a little upset about the fact that this may be breaking a rule by encroaching too close to my property line.
To me, it’s an issue as it depletes the size of an already narrow driveway. I’m basically running the risk of hitting a neighbors fence with the sideview mirror of the car, while stll being on my own property. If I had acres to play with, I wouldn’t care. It just so happens to be at a location that is heavily used by my roommate and I. If this were 18" off the property line I would be okay with it, because none of my issues would hold any water.
6’4" to the top…add a few more inches to reach the caps of the posts.
I’m cool with it. It’s not paradise, but has served my needs. 2 minutes to the 190, 10 minutes to downtown, 10 to the northtowns, 10 to the southtowns. Grocery, hardware, bank, restaraunts, etc. all within a minute drive. My direct area has been calm, not really a lot going on here…however it seems like if you venture East the quality of the neighborhood drops a bit.
You should buy my neighbors house if it goes up for sale, you can help me wash and wax the SHO:)
Well played:lol: However, I only used the e-word word one more time in this whole post than you used the word “fence” in your two sentence reply;)
I have found Kaisertown to be very hit and miss…perfect example above with the blacks. Sad that there are still ignorant people living here. I’m hoping they die off soon.
I’m not Polish…just a transplant to Buffalo from Minnesota. I bought this place when I got here purely on location, the size and condition of the house, and the fact it has a nice garage. I had never even heard of the term Kaisertown until after I moved in, as well as it’s Polish roots.
When I first moved into my house I thought the survey markers were off because it barely cleared a straight line between the next corner marker and the pool area fencing. So all summer I mowed a good 6’ past the marker for what made sense. In turn my neighbor had mowed 6’ off of the fence line, left me some long grass around some pines that were at one corner, and never touched the grass 12’ off my shed.
This fall I finally got the survey, the fence is 2’ off their property, shed is 6’ off. With trees it is impossible for me to walk from one side yard to the other without stepping on their land, much less drive a 48" lawn mower across.
As long as they don’t touch the trees on their side of the fence I am happily going to continue to mow their lawn.
In the city I believe you can put the fence right on your property line. When I put mine up I got a permit and took my survey right to city hall. They did not indicate that the fence had to fall any distance off my property line.
I had a little old lady who lived right next to me. She maintained some bushes that divided our properties and I assumed they were on here property until I checked out my survey. I did give her the courtesy to talk to her before I put the fence up and yanked out all the bushes claiming that I was going to get a large dog and was getting a fence to keep her safe. She did get somewhat angry when she saw where I was putting the fence up, I think she thought it was on her property. I gave her a copy of the survey and my permit to assure that what I was doing was all legit.
Working on it today. Have made a few calls to City Hall, but may end up going there in person over lunch if I don’t hear back by then. I have codes, survey, and printed photos ready to go.
Also, according to my survey I own 1.02’ off the corner of my garage/driveway into ‘her’ lawn. The fence is 4" from this spot…so it’s ~8" into my property. Factor in the 18" that the code states it has to be from the property line and this thing is way out of line.
That’s exactly what I was going to say. I don’t know what the time limit is in NY… her in MA, it’s only a few years. You can slowly take over your neighbors property that way :lol: