the Actual Work-Out thread

lol it is when you’ve got exercise-induced-asthma. You know how many timed-2-mile DNF’s my wheezy ass got during my soccer days? :lol:

Shit I’m up for anything but you better not expect much better than 10 minute miles out of me.

Hmm, I wonder if there’s any info on trail running on that site. There’s got to be some more interesting places to run than just down the street around here…

I run trail 3-5days a week in the summer months here as I have great spots right near my house. Exercise-induced-asthma is gay I have it as well…just need the right meds!!! I can run like the wind now. 2 mile usually around 12flat.

Thats fuckin fast. ur gonna make me look like a baby-back bitch :frowning:

there are some great “bike” trails around delware park man.

Yeah that’s not bad. There’s a park up north somewhere that I can’t wait to go running/exploring with the dog in this summer. Bond lake. That’s what it’s called.

Not even close so far.

I want to start rock climbing this summer. I think that’d be sweet to do.

Rock climbing crew.

I’m with you here. Personally I went from 1 day of cardio to 3 and switched my workout routine from 4 sets of 6 to 3 sets of 12. I’m the same weight but I can tell my bfi is going down slowly.


How many days of cardio/lifting are you doing?

I think his problem is that he is doing his HIIT on a machine, and not on the pavement. I of course am assuming this, and well…

I think the problem could be a few things. I did great HIIT on the olyptical and meh on treadmill but outdoors is #1.

If he is not doing ANY long slow burn cardio=problem

Also once the heart rate is up its easy to sustain so enters the SUPERBURNNNNNNNNNN zone. After you do your 15-20 HIIT do 30min 120-130 heart rate slow jog cardio since you will be entering the fat burning zone as it is.

Not doing enough weight training=problem
Intense and heavy training will not only use a ton of calories but the recovery does as well. Now you will have more muscle and have a better metabolism as a result.

Do this, eat you carbs in the AM hours or atleast the bulk of them, eat 4-6 times a day if possioble, make sure you get a post shake/meal, you will be shrink wrapped. If not…you are doing it wrong.

He’s said a few times that he has really bad knee problems… and if it’s stopping him from doing the manliest of all man exercises, he’ll never get that boost in testosterone and the most important muscles for fat burning are never going to get as heavily taxed as they could.

I mean how many times have you failed on a squat that wasn’t a 1RM? The legs are so fucking beefy, it’s like the strength and power is always there and there always seems to be a little more power to tap into. This experience is what makes you grow, not upper body work ( unless Fry’s chest is bigger than ronnie coleman… or tera patrick’s )


Fry it has been decided you need to be more all that is man in the gym. sally

lol word, i always get dizzy as fuck while/after squatting, especially when going a2g

wow adam you sure like to talk about man physique…

:tup: 1 mile on a trail is like 2 miles on an elliptical, IMO. and what meds do you take? I’ve got very mild asthma so I haven’t used any meds in about 10 years, but I really want to start running.

definitely in. where does everyone rock climb in bflo? I don’t know any gyms/ymcas/anything that has a hard wall and the only things I know worth climbing are maybe in akron?

planche related: evoMR, I found the best way to work out the muscles for planche is to put your feet up on a lowish bench at the gym and do the pushups like that. keep your legs flexed so they don’t move too much. 3 sets of 7 is what I do right now. any update on trying the wall ones?

There is a place on NFB in North Tonawanda ( i think ). NFB and Erie Ave.

I will definitely have to give this a try. I had no problems doing the most basic thing on the video. I felt some pretty significant pressure in my wrists from the extreme angle, but the strength part wasn’t bad. I’m sure the added weight from the rest of your body as well as the balance component make a full planche very tough.

See below for indoor climbing. There is outdoor bouldering at Niagara Glen (between NF and Niagara-On-The-Lake) and there is top roping at Rattlesnake and Buffalo Crag near Milton (30 minutes into Ontario).

