the Actual Work-Out thread

Holy shit, that’s really good. I wish I had that kind of cardio endurance.

and EvoMR, i weigh about 145 and maxed 205 on bench and do “yoga” and the planche pushups still are way way out of my reach. see if you can do the wall thing tho :smiley: This is pretty much the staple of the industry when it comes to physical fitness. i know it says "bodybuilding"in the title but dont let that scare you. It has all kinds of cardio information as well. Many people have tried to copycat and duplicate this book but all have come up short.

P.S. anabolic minds is a good site. obviously is pretty much the ultimate forum when it comes to physical fitness. They have all kinds of reviews on supplements and training techniques as well. good luck

i started trainin at an mma gym in lockport, not so i can fight but so i can get in better shape. since i stated about 2 months ago i lost about 15lbs. and ive only been able to do it on and off cuz of my job.

Go for it man, I’d love to see someone do it locally = :tdown:. the members there are similar to the ones that post on this forum…

anabolicminds is better…

neither are the best though =p

well the rason i like is kuz they have a lot of the kind of “state your opinion” threads. For example, whats youre favorite creatine or whats youre favorite nitric oxide etc. And obviously yes there are complete idiots like any forum with a very large number of members but u just need to read and weed out the morons and try to see which members you think seem to have a decent knowledge on certain subjects. And obviously take all the advice in and try to decide whats best for u. Dont go exactly by what everyone else says. just use the forum and thread topics as a reference or starting point.


The only legitimate part of that forum is the nutrition section.

yes i do enjoy the nutrition section but i find there are far more articles to read on nutrition that are more helpful

Misc is good :roflpicard:

lol love the ot

Hmm. Just started playing with the diet tracker on AM. I like it.

Did some reading about CKD dieting, until I came to the part about mental capacity diminishing when you go into ketosis. Right. I’ll stick with eating what I know to be healthy and hike up my skirt a little higher during my workouts.

Dude the only thing close to a diet I ever followed was making sure I taking in most of my carbs AM and I went to about 40/40/20 ratios. If I am working out hard and using HIIT, P/RR/S, FD/FS (my fav workout plans) I am always generally shredded due to the amount of calories these plane need for the workout and recovery. I used to force myself to eat till I felt sick 5-7 times a day.

I tried the first step from the video (pushups with hands at your hips) and it was no problem. I will try the wall thing next. I have done some pilates in the past for injury prevention. My strength is fairly similar to yours for bench… 165 and 245 and I am much stronger on pretty much everything else than my bench. :wiggle:

I will work on it. :slight_smile:

CKD is so tough to stick to. Carb up days are the worst.

Hm, I wonder what that is…

anyone down for some 5ks? I eat 5k for breakfast.

Fuck that. I eat donuts for breakfast. Well, no I don’t but you get the idea.

Sweet. Will read.

bro, 3.1 miles aint shit.

In. Trying to go under 20:00 this year.