the Actual Work-Out thread

Last Thursday was my distance day and I went 14 miles. Everything went pretty good body wise although I had pain in my left foot so bad I could almost not walk after. I was having pain for over a week so I think it was a combo of mileage, laced too tight, and shoes. I grabbed new kicks and took a week off. I have a bone scan Tuesday just to be safe about it. I hate taking time off.

So I think I was sharing a machine with Joel Giambra yesterday at Best Fitness. The guy looked just like him. I couldn’t look close enough to see if he had a scar from a cleft pallette without being a creepy staring dude so I’m not positive, but I think it was him.

ugh, i thought i was doing decent, repping out 185… and some guy next to me just put up 495…FML

well, ive been running lately and i must say. it definately blows. Ive been doing 1 1/2 miles everyday and i hate it. its like getting kicked in the balls. I have lost 15 lbs and im down to 185ish which was my goal but as suspected i cant realy lift anymore. Im gunna have to start over by reping something a little lighter then the usual 245.:frowning:

Fuck, whenever im heavier i have so much more strength and whenever i get skinny i feel weak. maybe im doing something wrong here.

I’ve started running too. I’ve never been able to run more than like a mile and a half but I think I’m outgrowing my asthma. Did three miles Wednesday night. The dog fucking loves me now. She’s not used to getting her energy drained. :tup:

Hey runners, does that tight/burning feeling I get in my shins and lower leg muscles while I’m running go away after a while if I stick with it?

speaking of strongness and all that JAZZ

i told this girl not to play goalie… cuz i was gonna take a shot on the soccer field… she said NO GO AHEAD… so i ripped a shot. broke her wrist. ruined her summer. FHL !


Yeah the scar is key… thats him.

Few years ago I was selling my Mitsubishi for $800, rotted out strut housing into the engine bay, needed some serious work. Joel came by and knocked on my door saying he was looking for a car for his son :lol:

that burning in ur shins is called shin splints, they will be there forever but there are certain stretches you can do to pretty much get rid of them all together. I used to get them all the time in track but my doctor gave me some stretches to do and they worked great. I will lok online for them because they are hard to describe in words.

just ordered this package

i used to take prohormones like this but i havent in a while, Im really excited and a little worried. I didnt take any post cycle support last time and my gains dropped off pretty quick. this time ill be taking a post cycle support though so i think i should be ok. I was considering an anadrol oral cycle with some cypionate to keep the test levels up but ill stay legal for now, plius this route is much cheaper and i should see some good gains. Neone else wanna start a cycle with me?

I asked my chiro about shin splints and he showed me something that hurts like hell but works. I cant remember what he called it. Basically you put your right thumb on top of your right shin and push down real hard then slide your thumb down your shin right where it hurts.

If you are doing it right its almost unbearable, but if you do it a few times over a day or two it helps them go away faster.

I don’t understand why you don’t just stick with a varying routine as opposed to adding supplments to your body. What does this “cycle” do?

leaving for the gym now but just research prohormones, go on or and search “havoc cycle” ull get all the info u will ever need

ok so did everyone stop posting kuz its summer time and noone is in the gym anymore? Chime in if ur still hitting the gym on a regular basis. Its beach season everyone this is the most crucial time!

i still lift every day in my basement. i see slight changes but for how heavy i work out and how often im not seeing what id like, but then again I dont take a single supplement.

well… if you lift every day… you aren’t letting your body recover…

^ Not if you rotate: legs one day, upper body the next, different exercises, etc.

Im finally in after my full time work/full time school hiatus.

I’m here whacking the gym now. Going for that cut for the beach, so I’m doing a total body circuit. Squats to Cleans to pushups to bent over rows to upright rows to deadlifts to plate lunges. Rest for 2 mins, repeat the cycle several more times. I do abs and arms focus circuits afterwords. Then a run or bike after it.

As for the shin splints, those will go away if you stick with it. Takes some time, but they go away.

It takes about a week to fully recover… Upper body… who just works Upper body…

you pair up Biceps / back, tris/ chest, legs , yadda yadda.

Sure you can do an Arms day… but it weakens you for chest/back workouts. You have to be really selective with what you do then.

Rest and sleep days are just as important as actually working them…

Yes intensity differs you can do low intensity workouts and be back at it 3 days later… but who honestly doesn’t bust their ass in the gym.

You won’t grow by relying on supplements. You grow by taking in quality food and using the supplements to fill the small gaps left between meals. Arnold never took any supplements and he got pretty big.

Write down everything you eat for 2 days in a row on a piece of paper.
Add up the total amount of protein, calories, fat, and carbs. If you aren’t sure how much is in something you eat, google it and it will tell you. That piece of paper will show you exactly why you aren’t growing. If you have a fast metabolism you need to eat way more food than normal. The only way for me to grow is to take in around 4400 calories with 250ish-300ish protein. Once you eat that way for a few days it will become natural for you. You will get hungry at those specific times. Your body will simply adjust.