i take in 900 calories per day less than i should be lol
i looked online and i should “techincally” be taking in 2900-3100 per day, according to my age and my current weight (18, 180)
but depending on what i eat, im only taking in 1900-2300 depending on what i eat for breakfast
but i ONLY drink water, besides milk for my shakes. the water thing is where i think i am cutting calories the most
i haven’t really been able to workout the past week, carrying around 50lbs of shingles 300feet, and then bringing them up 2stories on a ladder really does a number on your body lol. i think i carried about 30-40 loads.
i actually gained a lot of strength just roofing :lol:, i was taking my shakes and CH every morning too, and ill probably start that as a regular thing, im not getting enough protein via diet
ive lost 13 lbs so far landscaping this year. an ive gotten like mad stronger. :tup: to getting a workout…at work lol. I actually curled a bar with 100 lbs (+weight of bar) on it 7 times today. wooot. lol. not a lot, but better than I could before. I can curl 70 lbs (+weight of bar) 16x. I guess thats not TOO bad considering I never work out.
If you are talking two 45lb plates plus two 5 lb plates on a regular straight bar which weights 45lbs… I’m going to call bullshit.
That’s A LOT of weight to curl… unless you are like cheating HARDCORE.
you do realize I am a landscaper, and by that I mean REAL landscaping, not pussy mowing of lawns. I shovel stone and swing a pick axe all day lol. I’m a pro at moving uber heavy shit. its what I get paid for. it was a regular curling bar with 4-25lb weights on it, so prolly like 120 all together. theres 70 lbs on the other bar. kinda used momentum on the last few but meh. still counts lol. For the first time like ever I can do 16 pullups. I weigh 190 lbs so its not easy.
I dont do the same shit every day lol. I usually do bi’s tri’s and shoulders. Then rotate that out with chest and abs every other day with some legs inbetween
Leave the pissing contests out of this thread you crackhead guttersluts.
I started a new routine recently of mostly shoulder presses, squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Seeing really good results fo sho, also I’ve been eating a whole lot and have 160lbs pegged now. Hoping for 170 by the end of summer but who knows.
This is a good stamina test. Do a squat thrust and when you come back up, follow it with a jump. That’s 1 rep. How many can you do?
15- Not so good
25- Decent shape
35- Good stamina
I can only do like 26 before my legs get tired
Time for more squats!
Well I am running the marathon June 27th and with like 932847239847 injuries along the way I have basically stopped focus on training and have been hitting the weight room after about 8 months off. I dont know how or why i let myself get so out of shape but I feel a TON better after hitting the weights over just running. I am still running the marathon though so I will be running some till race day.
He’s claiming 4 25lb plates on a straight bar…which would be like 145…
I’ve seen you before, you look like you could beat someone up…
I’m assuming Jeg can’t.
I just did 45 in my room, wearing baggy jeans. I was coming about ~5" off the ground.
Grab two 20lb dumbells and place them over your shoulders, and hold on to them, and them do the squat thrust jumps.
My trainer would make me do these until I was about to cry.
Since when are steroids food or a supplement? You could take all the steriods you want and if you don’t train hard,and don’t eat right you won’t grow. Arnold ate food, and lots of it. That’s what I was getting at. Back in the 60’s they didn’t have 8 zillion kinds of protein shakes. They had beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk. Those guys would eat 4-5 heavy meals a day, and snack on carrot sticks and crap like that.
wellll u said that he never took any supplements and that he was “pretty big”. He was big because of steroids. So you cant say that he didnt take supplements and was still big and attribute it to earting right. He was on steroids, and they were a big reason why he was big.
You have no idea what you are talking about in the bolded part. Steroids don’t “make you big”. You have to work your ass off, eat right, and train your balls off, and get adequate rest. Yes they help, but they are only part of the equation. Arnold would have been a monster with or without them. Some people have the genetics and the drive to grow. I can list plenty of bb’ers that have never touched a steroid in their life and are big as fuck.