the Actual Work-Out thread

Yes they deffinitly help. So we can both agree that arnold deffinitly would not have been as big as he was without steroids right? He deffinitly wouldve at least looked different and he most deffinitly wouldve been bigger. So in order to prove your point completly, you would need to find a clean bodybuilder, and there are many of them. I do agree with u totally about the nutrition part trust me. But arnold wouldve never gotten to that point without steroids. You cant tell someone that they will look like arnold or even come close by just eating right. Because there is a certain point that you reach with just the proper diet and workout regiment, then steroids take you to the next level.

That’s awesome stamina, and I’ll definitely be trying the dumbell thing. I do that same thing when sprinting sometimes.

But 5" vertical jump is pretty silly. My goal is a 40" vertical jump and in burpees I don’t usually jump less than a solid 14-16".

I’m not sure how to train to jump higher though? Calling GSP!

its a hallow bar, it weighs like 10 lbs lol.

Oh an I have been in plenty of fights. 17 if you wanna be spacific. I lost 2.

edit: if you guys want to work on your stamina and whatnot, start with a dirt pile, or brick pile, or anything heavy really, shovel said soil/bricks/w.e into a wheelbarrel, move it across your yard. Dump, and repeat. move the pile from one side of the yard to the other then do it again. You will be amazed on how strong you get. Its like an entire body workout and is amazing cardio. we did a job thursday next to Choda’s house. me and the one guy I work with shoveled 2 yards of mulch and 5 1/2 yards of sandy loam soil in 2 hrs. That is hauling ass! Ask choda if you dont believe me, in HS I could leg press the entire stack (395lbs) 30+ times with each leg, as in 1 leg at a time. That was hs.

:picard: TOUGH GUY! I’m in NC this weekend and eating more food than ever. 5500 calories so far today, about to eat some ribs and steak at dinner :smiley:

170 here I come!

where a good site to figure out calories that you consume? Or a book for information.

are u asking how much you should consume? or to figure out how many is in each food you eat

i basically went thru my kitchen and got all of the calories off of everything that i eat perday, and everything in a meal (except for dinner because that changes)

i think breakfast was 250, lunch was like 650 and dinner i figured to be about 700. But i only drink water with everymeal

That’s the best thing you could do. Water and milk are what you should drink (unless you’re rockin’ protein shakes etc). I knew a girl who drank pop with lunch and dinner. She switched to water and lost 20lbs in less than 2 weeks.

in what I am eating, I really have no idea what I consume per day. But like to find out.

Yea i used to drink pop everyday for lunch(like a Large 32oz size drink), and then a can or 2 sometimes for dinner on fridays and saturdays

i haven’t “lost” anyweight i think (i havent weighed myself in like 4 months lol, i really don’t care) but i do feel better everyday. Water is so much more refreshing too, i don’t drink gatorade or anything either.

The only time i drink pop is if i go out to eat, which is rarely anymore anyways.

Tim horton’s doesn’t list any of the nutritional info on their foods, so i went online and looked @ their site. I used to eat a sausage/egg/cheese breakfast sandwhich on a bagel everyday with a small orange juice. Til i found out they have 800calories, like 900mg of cholestrol and like 200g of other death lol.

Now i just eat a plain bagel toasted w/ butter and a Water (and my protein shake when i wake up). It’s boring as fuck, but it holds me over til about noon where im deathly starving by then lol. Between the shake/water/bagel im taking in about 400calories, but it is A LOT more healthier 400calories.

I’m not trying to get jacked, im just trying to tone my body and get/feel healthier.

/long useless story lol

True story. Two summers of working Hamburg Highway Department really did work on muscles and gave me a different kind of strength. We used to do 16 tons of blacktop a day. Two people on lutes and I always wheel borrowed it. 250lbs loads at a time really kicks your ass. Days where we did patch means I had to walk and drop little piles and then go back to the truck and then walk it back to where I left off.

Oh and then Ultradriver10000 joined the fun and sucked at using the lute so I stuck him on hauling :mamoru: <3

one more week left of the prohormone cycle. Ive gained 8 pounds (hoping for around 12 pounds total) and my bench has gone from 215 to 245 in 3 weeks. Im hoping to hit 260 by the time im done. This stuff works.

had the best bi/forearm workout i’ve had in years yesterday. I’m so sore today that i have to put my head down so i can reach my nose to pick it.

details? also, that’s such an awesome feeling when your muscles hurt that bad

and what’s prohormone?

Me and a few friends came up (or at least we think we came up with it…) an exercise up for the bi’s/back/fore arms. What we did was take a bar and set in on top a squat rack. The object of the exercise is to twist the bar while you are hanging on it like a pull up across the squat rack and back. Each twist only nets you about an inch or two, depending on your bar used. Quite challenging, try it.

hmmm trying to envision this. Maybe you could draw a map…

I will be hitting up chest tomorrow. I am so happy to be lifting again. All of the running i was doing screwed me up pretty bad and my old injuries came back. Long story short i gained about 10lbs all in my gut and my marathon training has been terrible. Oh well back to lifting…feels great!

arms tommorow for me, ill proly go right at 7 as soon as i get out of work, as long as im not too tired.

3 sets of 21’s - 45lb straight bar, 55lb straight bar and 65lb straight bar
3 sets of Straight Bar Curls - (wide grip, shoulder width grip, narrow grip)
3 sets of Hammer Curls - 55lb-6x’s, 45lb-8x’s, 35lb-10x’s = 1 set
3 sets of reverse grip curls (1/2 to 3/4 range of motion) with forearm squeeze at the top.
3 sets of forearm curls - 25lbs 30x’s.
3 sets of reverse forearm curls. 20lbs 20x’s

really sore today. when i lay my arm flat ot on the floor…my hand is about 5"-6" off the ground in a fully relaxed posistion.

you trained for a marathon and gained 10lbs. in the gut - I always knew that marathon stuff was BS., j/k

I’m missing chest day to go see coldplay since the woman won tickets.