I know how ya feel, when I do arms I can barely use a q-tip to clean my ears after the shower, my arms dont want to close enough, lol.
LOL YEP! But I sustained like three different injuries and well the past six months have been full of stress! lol I feel so fat Oh well summer time is the perfect motivation to drop a few.
bump woohoo.
I Cant remember what i posted, but i was roughly 18-19% BF on 3/13 and i am now 12% on 6/20
Alls i did was:
Stop eating any sorts of fast food(besides like: pizza and subs(not really fast food))
Cut down My calories taken in during breakfast & lunch
Only drink water w/ breakfast/lunch/dinner
still taking in protein, and pretty much everything i need, and i also started working fulltime since about the beginning of may, which i think has helped a lot because i do a lot of physical labor/walking/running around/sweating
Well that’s my update lol.
anyone on the board do any competing?? i did the mr buffalo last year and came in third…clean too!!! thinking about doing the can-am when it comes next cuz its one of the only local tested shows i know of
Ya Rly!
So I did not lift weights for about 7-8 months out of sheer laziness, lack of time, stress, running, excuses, excuses, excuses. So I have been lifting again for three weeks now and strength is coming back FAST. I benched 225x6 the a few days ago. I am positive I will be able to bench over 300lbs again within another month. I follow the P/RR/S workout plan made by Eric Broser
I have been doing a ton of distance running the last few months but I will be switching back to HIIT training in a few weeks.
Good job deebo!
Honestly the best thing you did was to replace the pop/soda with water. Water is so essential and 90% of society doesn’t get enough. The more water you drink the less water your body will need to hold on to. It will make you even leaner.
What class were you in? I covered that show.
I weighed in at 175… lost about ten lbs of water the last two days!!.. joelster??? are you on the buffalo bodybuilding website too?? or is it wny bodybuilding??? i cant remember the name havent been on there for a while… i had the big back tattoo that kinda hurt but you def could still see the definition… when you say you covered the show, what did you do? I’ll prob know who you are
edit… just saw the wnymusclefitness on your sig
i dont consider pizza or a ham sub fast food… you’re just replacing the bread with a roll for the sub…
and thanks joelster, drinking water helps so much, and keeps you a lot more refreshed. I feel a lot better just from drinking water
that depends, 90% of people get mayo/oil cheese ect slathered on and then its certainly not like making a turkey sandwich, and thats not even mentioning the size
:word: I drink a ton of water. I drink pop and whatnot as well, but not as much as I used to. I noticed when I stopped my pepsi addiction that I lost like 5 lbs within for first few weeks just from the lack of sugar. I drink like a gallon of water a day. When its screaming hot like its going to be this week :(, I drink about 2 gallons of water/day. I am really thinking of joining the BAC by the eastern hills mall. Friend of minegoes there and he loves it. So I’d have a workout buddy at least which is more fun.
BIG mistake people make is NOT ENOUGH SALT! Make sure you have enough salt in your diet or you will feel like shit. especialy when sweating a lot. I also take a shit ton of B complex vitamins. They roxor.
What year did you compete? 2008 or 2009? Novice or open? 175 would make you a nov middle, or an open middle as well right near the cutoff.
Finally joined PF again. Definitely getting the strength and stamina increase for siq hardcorez grappling, MMA, and TOTALLY ROCKUS LOVEMAKING
Went 10-1 sub-only from feet with someone 240lbs
Went 3-0 with a guy who trained with Matt Hughes
in 2008 , i did both the novice and open , and i purposly went right to the cutoff for my weight
i think i lost too much and looked better two days later a lil more fuller
You finished one spot ahead of my friend Justin. He blew his prep for that show. This year ('09) he was zipped, and came in as a lightweight and smoked everyone. He is doing the Rochester show as well this weekend. He “should” be top-3 but ya never can tell who is going to show up.
Are you headed up to Rochester for the show this weekend?
Well wish me luck. I am running the Rock n Roll Seattle Marathon about 24 hours from right now I will be heading down to the starting line. I woke myself up at 2am today so that hopefully i can get some sleep tonight. I will be smashing a few bananas and tons of pretzels, bagels today with a pasta dinner. Training has been a joke I would have been better off running it untrained due to the amount of injuries along the way. I broke my ankle a about 1.5 years ago and sadly I do not think my running will ever be the same Well hopefully I can finish tomorrow!
good luck drew.
I’ve put on about 10lbs since i’ve been working out heavy again. Trying to cut the fat, but don’t know if its working. I’m on a zero sweets/sugar/candy diet. Unnecessary sugars are my vice.
I’m at 230lbs right now.
I just looked that up and it sounds like a nice change, i’m going to have to try it!