the Actual Work-Out thread


There is a small gym at the corner of the st where I bought that house. I am going to join there and hope to get in really good shape within a few months of being home. I mean I will have a spare 50ish hours a week LOL. Right now I am about 190lbs but am only carrying enough mass that i feel I should be around 180. I would love to be able to sustain this size and drop off the belly as I like to be a bigger guy and when i workout too much and diet i shrink to a ripped 172-5 every time.

It is the heat! I followed it for about 10months straight once and the changes were mind blowing. He also has a FD/FS workout plan for when you are getting kinda sick of this one. It is so brutal. I was doing this and standard HIIT sprint training and was so ripped I had veins going up my abs! WTF!

justin draper?

i am planning on coming down to rochester for the show as of now , but I am moving this weekend so it may be hard

Victory is mine? lol

uhh ew

That is a manly battle wound bro. Dont be a sissy LOL NWS?

Justin Stange. He ended up as a welterweight at the Rochester show at 163 lbs. He looked a little flat and came in third. There was this monster in his class trained by George Farah who was using this show to qualify for the nationals and he smoked everyone in his class.

i have a buddy who was at that competition and placed second, qualifying for nationals. Kevin Schosek, he was a pretty small guy in hs but it is unbelievable what he has achieved!
the man in the middle

I didn’t want to start a new thread for this. Im unemployed now so I want to get in better shape.
I was going to start with the usual jogging sit ups and push ups and changing my eating habits.
I want some more upper body, Will I get anything from sit ups and push ups?

you won’t necessarily gain muscle mass, but you can cut fat and tone up by doing exercises with your own body weight.

sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups,add a little weight for more resistance. you can use anything that has a little heft to it and is easy to hold.

I still have that huge write up you sent me on this. I could not make it through it. I am going through the P90X which I selected because it reminded me so much of your write up and its working really well

My friend Justin is on the left. Your buddy almost got overlooked in pre-judging because his color was so light. He would have looked a lot better with more color on him. He was very lean/ripped and deserved second place. The guy who won was a monster, and was just using this show as a stepping stone to do the Nationals.

so you’re a heel striker, I see :wink:

Not typically I got really screwed up because of the amount of hills. I train mostly flat and this was had tons of hills. Big mistake on my part.

DEFF not a beginner friendly marathon lol. For those of you not familiar with running a 50-100ft climb is a pain in the ass. 200-250 multiple times is the suckfest.

What’s the best exercise/routine to get rid of love handles and that last little bit of stomach flab?

I have a good diet and drink tons of water. I also run 3-4 miles and do abs 3 times a week. There are just some stubborn chub sections that won’t go away. Annoying.

What’s the best exercise/routine to get rid of love handles and that last little bit of stomach flab?

I have a good diet and drink tons of water. I also run 3-4 miles and do abs 3 times a week. There are just some stubborn chub sections that won’t go away. Annoying.

What kind of ab workouts are you doing? Just situps will not work FYI.

Bicycle, vertical leg, wacky jacks (from P90X), regular crunches and cross crunches.

The key to dropping your love handles is dropping your bf% so hit a high intensity weight routine and substitute some of your running with interval training like 60/30 jog/sprints and you will be where you need to be in no time. I use p/rr/s for weight training and jog/sprints when i am trying to be ripped. A link to p/rr/s is on the previous page I believe.

Your diet. You cannot spot reduce fat with an exercise.

You may have a “good” diet but your genetics are pre-disposed to storing bodyfat in those areas. Make your “good” diet into a “great” diet and get your bf% levels lower and see what happens.

well, i weighed in this week at 142.8… i want to pack on 20 lbs of muscle and i’ll be a much happier guy. Maybe subscribing to this thread will help motivate me…

I doubt it.

Ps. I was 153 lbs at my absolute max about a month ago… had a bad week, couldnt eat anything, starting to eat again, and am leveling off ~145-6 lbs.

I eat GARBAGE all day too.