That’s pretty thin. I’m 5’10" and was about 145 maybe six months ago. I started a heavy workout routine and some MMA so I needed to gain some weight, and avoid losing some during my workouts.
Eat ALL the time, small dense meals (not fatty though if you can avoid it) and maybe invest in some protein mixes. 4-5000 calories a day. I’m now about 160lbs and a lot stronger and feel way better in general. Hoping to move up to 170 and plateau there before the end of summer! OH YEAH!
Being that thin sucks and feel free to PM me if you need some motivation or pointers.
:tup: to drew (Fucking gross foot, btw) for sending me a good workout schedule to i can change up my game. It’s so easy to fall into a rythmatic routine where your muscles just get used to working out and you don’t get anywhere.
Worked on Back this morning. I don’t recall ever doing rack deadlifts before and have no clue where i should be weight wise for this exercise.
The highest weight I completed with proper form ended up being 6 reps of 305lbs. How does this compare to what i “should” be doing? I’d think anything over 400lbs is a bit much. i never liked the idea of doing these because it seems like a bad excercise for the lower back. A lot of potential for injury. But i definently feel a “good” burn right now, muscles that haven’t been exercised in a while.
doing deadlifts can be dangerous if you aren’t doing it right.
305 is a good amount of weight, and if you are feeling a burning sensation while you pee you should consult a doctor and probably pick up a Z-Pack. If it burns in your back the next day, etc… you should be in good shape. I’ve been doing deadlifts, powerclings, and squatting again because the gym I signed up for has a bunch of ex-highschool football players (like, 19,20,21 year olds) that are all jacked out of their minds.
I don’t have any burning or discomfort, just ‘pumped’ feel and my back feels good. I was focusing on my form more then anything today, because it can be so dangerous.
the burning during peeing sensation i have…i’ve had for weeks, but that’s a different issue.
FYI, running / cardio will work up to a certain point.
What are the stubborn sections? Stomach? Stress + carbs = instant store in your stomach area. Believe it or not, sleep also plays a big role in helping your body rid itself of shit fat too. Too much, or not enough sleep will reek havoc on your body.
For me, sleeping normally is the biggest issue. My meals are pretty small but carby, but I am willing to live with that.
What you also have to realize, and I’m sure this has been mentioned before in this thread, is that the more mass you build, the more calories you burn doing the same shit. I’m not trying to lose all that much weight right now, but I am building mass, getting stronger, and the weight kinda just burns off naturally. Lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks not really changing my diet, just lifting 5 days a week.
PS. Want to build huge fat burners? Work your legs out. Squat like you never squated. Lunge like you’ve never lunged before. Don’t run that much.
Deadlifts are an incredible exercise. I do them off of a rack whenever possible. I HATE doing any exercise that starts from the fully concentric beginning. When I do deadlifts I have the bar resting on a rack about 2 feet off of the floor. I walk up to it and only half to lift it a few inches. Then I slowly take a step back and do my set. When i’m done I take a step forward and re-rack them. It is way easier to change the weights this way as well. Starting with the weight just dead on the floor is the easiest way to injure yourself.
Legs will take an enormous amount of blood volume from the rest of your body, because the muscle group is so big. That is why lots of guys end up puking after an intense leg workout. More blood volume to the legs = less blood volume to the brain which makes you feel light headed and nauseous. Combine nausea with intense pain in your legs and you may need a bucket.
I’ve literally had to sit down last week after my last set of leg presses (after squats, clings, lunges, this shin machine thing, and a lot of stretching), and look at the floor for a while to regain composure just enough to stand.
I, like Lafengas, have some pretty substantial leg meat.
Soooo I used the back extension machine while I we were doing pulldowns. I just wanted to see what if felt like, as it’s one of the machines “girls use more” right next to the machine you work your ass out with by lifting your leg.
I started with like, 150 lbs. I lowered my back with ease. Fuck this, I just decided to do the whole rack! 275 lbs. Woo. I am strong. This machine is stupid. It doesn’t do anything. Couple sets of 15 of them later…
I get off the machine. go to do my lat pulldowns. I feel this strange burning sensasion in my mid-lower center of my back. At this point, I knew I was fucked.
Fast forward to today. I rolled out of bed. I could hardly put my pants on. Coughing hurt my lats and my lower back. Shitting, which I now do roughly 4 times a day, hurt my back. Especially when I had to push a little. I don’t take anything for pain throughout the day, I’m just randomly caught stretching my back on the floor here and there by my co-workers.
I feel good, go to the basketball league that I play in on weds. I play big guys all game, boxing them out, posting those bitches up and showing the baby hook. (seriously, it’s one of 5 moves I have, and I’m pretty nasty with it.)
Now, I could hardly get out of my car. My back is shot. Those extensions are fucking siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
I did chest this morning, followed the routine for the POWER week that you gave me. It seemed like a pretty weak workout. Having only the 3 excercises listed, I did a few more excercises to feel complete othewise i would have felt like i didn’t do anything.