the Actual Work-Out thread

It is because the writeup is too basic. The exercises on power week should be done with 2-3 second negatives, a slight pause then finish the movement. Also when doing the 4-6 reps you should be hitting muscle failure each set and either having to rest for a sec or using a spotter to finish them off. I did the same workout yesterday and I am smoked.

To add on to that Josh here I sould have included this in the writeup.

First of all most people spend too much time in the gym and use too much volume in their workouts. Lower volume and focus on intensity and you will see gains and less injury. As far as rep scheme for the weeks.

Power week
4-6 reps with a 3-5second negative EVERY REP. You should be hitting failure almost every set and either you get a spotter to help or you do rest pause for the last 1-2. Take up to two minutes between sets to maximize weight lifted.
Rep Range
15,12, then 8 reps per exercise and these are standard 1-1 normal rhythm lifts. ONLY up to a minute between sets to maximize saturation and breakdown. You should get huge pumps this week. Also go to failure using a spotter, rest pause, or drop sets if needed.
Build your supersets mentally before you get going as there is NO ALLOWED REST this week. 8 reps and you power through this entire workout with NO REST. The only breather you get is between sets 5-15 seconds for a few breaths and between supersets 15-20sec MAX for a few more breaths. This workout should be like 15min per bodypart. Failure should be easy to hit and if you are not sweating bullets and about to toss dinner you did it wrong. Also the writeup says 2 sets per superset I sometimes do three.

I should have included this in the e-mail. Try it now lol

ive now lost 30lbs by doin bjj and mma i was under 200lbs for the first time in about 4 years last night, now i just gotta start hittin the weights so i can gain more strength for to help w/ my grappling

It is summer and I know a bunch of you fatties need to be hitting the gym. Jus sayin

I started 10 months ago… lost some fat and I’m up about 10-12lbs. Okay progress.

When you do Power, what percentage of your max do you typically lift at?

Well that was part #2 to a previous writeup i sent to Josh.
But I go to failure or +1-2 reps typically but it is LOW volume.
Power week
3 exercises 3 sets each
Rep Range
3 exercises 3 sets each
2 supersets 2-3 sets each and one dropset failure 3x in a row.

holy shit

I can like, sorta see some shoulder caps.

Pics or ban.
I am loving my current routine. I just started lifting heavy again about two months ago and I am right on the trails of old PR’s and looking big(lil gut though). I am planning to eat my face off and gain as much as possible through the winter then i will cut. After two months of lifting again so far I did the following on the big three
295x8 (wasn’t failure)
315x12 (wasn’t failure)
I would like to go into the 1,200lbs club this winter. I plan to try 1RM of each lift in about 6 weeks. Bodyweight is about 190lbs. Remember I just started lifting again so I expect to see quick gains still for another month or so.

^ want to send me your current routine, I am sick of bill star’s. It worked and I gained a good amount of mass, but just looking for something new.

Read through this stuff because how you do the training as far as when to use pauses and negatives and reps ranges and such are key. If you want a example template give me your e-mail. A few posts up I summarized it. Basically week one is power, week two rep range, week three shock, then repeat.

^ I enjoy the workouts you gave me btw…thanks.

:angryhump: Workouts? LOL If you are following the way explained you should be feeling quite sore and blasted. Hell I combined an entire week into three days in a row and feel like im going to die. Shock week too. :frowning:

well yeah…i feel better if the workout kicks my ass. If i’m not sore, i don’t feel like i accomplished anything.

Hell yeah, its hard to get biceps and triceps really sore but especially shock week the entire body gets sore. Legs day I though I was going to toss for sure. Squatted 275x15 to start, shit sucked.

Ugh, did this last night. hellllllllo back pain…

i just use this all day long

I had to ease up on the lower back exercises as I have been playing a LOT of basketball with freakin’ in shape 20 year old kids back from college. I roughly spend an hour stretching everyday now.

FML I haven’t been to the gym in like 2 months. Granted I haven’t been home in 5 weeks, but still. :karter:

I think I’m going to get back into it tonight, except I’ve got to catch up on missing the first 4 weeks of a 6 week class. I can’t wait to be done with school. Again.

From what ive heard, aren’t you like 3’-8 or something?