Never thought about oats in a shake. What’s that like? I guess it’d be a cheap way to add the carbs + thicken shake…
and turbociv, it definitely sucks when you have to rush a workout. I’ve had to do that lately so I’m trying to do more than one thing at a time. ie, when I jog on the treadmill now, I keep an 8lb weight in each hand held about shoulder level. Makes a 5 minute jog seem like an hoooouuurrrrrr and sometimes you can skip curls
edit: wow some really interesting shakes in this thread… spinach peanutbutter and oat shake anybody?
The oats don’t thicken it up really. In fact 75% of people find it gross. They just turn into mush at the bottom… but they are one of the best foods on the planet, and not eating oats is a total disservice to your body.
ha… the hard part about it is the chest/tri’s and Back/Bi’s on the same says… I almost couldn’t make it through the first workout when I switched to that routine but I like it now :tup:
The berries/oats/yogurt/milk might be overkill on the carbs, but that’s definitely why you are getting bigger. A huge misconception about nutrition is that protein makes you big. Well, no, it’s not just the protein, it’s also the carbs. A lot of the guys that eat really low carb diets but are also increasing the weight they are moving may not be lifting more because of size or strength, but because of muscle memory. If your body has been doing one movement everyother day for years at a time, you’ll naturally be able to move more and more, but when you switch to a parrallel exercise, the amount you push can be surprisingly lower.
That’s because you were obviously using a monohydrate formula. Probably Phosphagen HP or Cell tech. I hate those for the same reason you do, water retention. That’s why I use Amplified creatine 189. It doesn’t use water and sugar as the delivery system like a monohydrate. It’s called an Esther delivery system, so you won’t get water retention. I love it
we just had this discussion. after being 3 months out of it and just getting back into the gym these last two days, i can attest to 189 being the shit as far as not inflating your muscles with water, then losing it as soon as you get out of it
In my shakes I put 2 teaspoons of buckwheat honey if I do anything. Most of the time its 8oz water 2 scoops whey and thats it. I need to get more carbs in my diet tho.
for my shakes its 4 or 5 strawberries, one banana, 1 scoop of strawberry whey and 2 cups of skim milk, and some ice. I also take atrophex for energy kuz i work and go to school so im tired all the time. If i dont take it ill fall asleep after i eat lol.
P.S. anything muscletech makes sucks ass, none of it works and u pay 60 dollars plus to find out it doesnt do anything.
well i only have about a 2weeks supply of my muscletech shit left anyways. once i find a well balanced diet, and overall goals for summer, ill order different more effective stuff.
atleast this is an actual useful thread for once :tup:
there have been about 10 legitimate workout threads, probably at least 2 in the last 6 months. while they appear useful, i’d do your own research and come to your own conclusions, as there is a lot of false information in these type of threads
i know, and i said the same thing in those threads as well lol…
there is probably only a few people in this thread that i would actually listen to if they were to help me, what everyone is doing maybe benefits them in some way, probably would not benefit me at all and visversa.
did you ever watch that video i linked a long time ago of the black guy doing planche’ pushups? thats my fucking goal right there, i dont know if ill ever be able to do it, but holy fuck