the Actual Work-Out thread

LOL yes I want to train to be a super human someday too hahaha. But yea I train for all around craziness usually like last weekend when I helped move someone into a 4th floor apt. lol they thought I was insane but its mostly cause i train wacy endurance shit and am just like the energizer bunny. The more it hurts the harder I push…prob why im such a HIIT slut even when weight training.

-10 cool points

not sure who you were talking to, but insulting either avatar is a pretty good indicator that you deserve an ass whoopin’

im pretty sure im at like -510 cool points now anyways lol

i was talking about yours. its just creepy :meh:


ive always compared muscletech to skunk 2 for honda noobs. They plaster their name in all the magazines and advertise like crazy so that noobs who dont know what they are doing will buy their shit. But their is much better stuff out there. Some supplement companies really do work hard to make sure their stuff will do what it says it will do. And others are just in it for the money because the supplement industry is very unregulated and people can just throw a bunch of stuff in a bottle and lie about it.

natural proteins are the way to go, ie. chicken fish and eggs. Ive always found the best results with them as you can see from my diet I posted earlier I hardly take powders

First one to post a planche pushup video w/ full proof wins a hooker.

go! go! go!

So met-rx seems to be like the best protein bar for gaining weight? Anyone have any others? From a financial perspective… it’s difficult for me to keep that much food in the house (I buy food for three teenagers). If I can keep non-appealing looking things around it’ll definitely help, ie protein bars and powders.

whey is actualy very natural. I dont even consider whey powder to be a supplement. Now i mean straight up protein powder none of this cell tech shit or whatever it is

I have tried these before. Fuck no, fuck no, FUCK NO! Even if I had the strength I just cant get that many parts to work together(try it and you will see) or the balance to do them. But accomplishing something like this is something im way more into then trying to bench 400lbs. Once I went over the 1000lbs club in the big three at 170lbs i kinda got over training for power.

So who here thinks they can be the first to get it?

Ugh they look insane. I can do one armed pull-ups fairly easy cause I’m so lightweight (GOOD POWER 2 WEIGHT RATIO LOL), and I just tried pushups with your arms near your waist… they’re tiring but not hard.

I’ll try them on the wall in socks tomorrow and see what happens :open_mouth:

side note, maxed 195x3 today! Yesterday I couldn’t do 185x3 without slipping, I must have been sore or something? I tried 205 and couldn’t even push the bar off my chest once.

I havent been in the gym for about 6 months :frowning: I took time off because of a few injuries I just couldnt get to heal and lack of time. Im am back in the gym starting tomorrow morning!!! Last I was in I benched 225x14 LOL but i was a whopping 178lbs. I am 178 right now however I do not look the same :frowning: haha This is going to be fun I just hope i get some newb gains they are always encouraging.

If khoveraki can do them and just be winded, i’m guessing he’ll be the first to do it. looks like he is buying himself a hooker! :smiley:

im glad to see someone talk about the big 3, drew you never let me down son

on a serious note, when i have my own basement and dont have to share it with anyone, im buying a power cage… that will be sweet as hell

What are you guys doing for a lower back work out, Im at a wall rite now with this, squats, romar chair, torso twist. Im not getting the same burn I use to. Ideas and suggestion are welcome…

goodmornings. standing and seated.


Are you serious.


So… What are the big three? I’m used to them being Johnny, Jim, and Jack. :lol: Squat, deadlift, bench?

Standing strait bar curls usually gets the burn going in my lower back, especially when done at the squat rack

Squats and deadlifts are more of the main things. Squats in the am during the 1st workout and deadlifts during the 2nd workout. Hyperextensions during both, good mornings, and kettle bells during them. I didn’t if you guys where have any suscess with another exercise or not

:lol: +karma

I’d like to know too, my back is SO fucked. the muscles around my lower back stick out SO far. i’m talking if you put a ruler across my mid/lower back and measured from the ruler to my spin, it would be 2" or so.
I’m 21 and have the back of a 60 year old, according to my chiropractor… I guess thats what you get for 8 years of racing motocross and snocross.


I honestly don’t get the joke