the Actual Work-Out thread

Planche looks difficult but maybe doable for 1 after a bit of practice. I am pretty light too, so we’ll see.

Best advice in this thread.

Yes, 1000lbs over squat/dead/bench, the big 3 exercises

For lower back, I only do deadlift / rack deadlift. It get’s enough stress and stabilization from squatting and standing overhead presses, for me at least, there is no reason to try and work it any harder through direct movements

I do lots of deadlifts and good mornings. My lower was always naturally strong though because of the amount of core related training I do.

Wait we werent talking about booze? Where am I? But yea squat, dead, and bench.

Yea im going to get me some curls in the squat rack later. :tup: :mamoru:

Big three!!! I kinda miss big three training to be honest. I used to feel su burly locking out huge deads and doing squats till I almost passed out. Ahhh the memories.

Doing bicep curls in the squat rack is the workout equivalent of a popped pink collar.

As for you back, sureshot! or someone correct me if I’m wrong, but what I’ve read is to stop thinking back and start thinking “core.” Your abdominal muscles wrap around your entire core and even attach at the spine in some places I guess. So deadlifts will strengthen your back but you have to have a strong balanced core so don’t forget crunches, leg lifts, planks, etc to build a strong core.

Maybe he wants everyone to see how jacked and tan he is.

Building a solid core all revolves around the other exercises that you do which require the core to stabilize. For example, if your routine revolves around doing squats, OHP, bent over rows, snatches, etc, then your core is already getting stressed. In this situation doing excessive movements like the ones you listed will certainly help, but may be a waste of time.

If you aren’t doing complex movements, then yes, those are all required for sure. Planks are the new “popular” movement for core. Not saying they aren’t effective, they are… but are now just trendy

Also, upper back must be worked for sure, regardless of everything else. I’m talking, bent over rows, wide grip chins, T-bar row, etc.


BEST analogy ever. I would say the worst is a dumbell curl where you only let your arm down about 50* rather than 160* like you should (i always like to keep my muscle strained, and a full 180* gives you resting time)

Here’s a question for you more knowledgable guys, potentially.

I busted cartilege off my knee and had chunks pulled out surgically three times in high school. It was the hard articular cartilege that covers the end of my femur. So now I’m missing something like 1/3 of the cartilege on the end of the bone and it’s rough scar tissue and bone where it’s supposed to be smooth cartilege on cartelege gliding when my knee bends. The tibia cartilege is fine, meniscus had very minor damage, ligaments were only sprained. It’s just the pressure and grinding on the bad spot that causes my problems.

Hence squats hurt like a bitch and I can’t do much weight. Two 35 pound plates seems to be the limit. How do I make my quads bigger?

Fuck all this talk of compounds, OHP’s, Snatches, thats it im dusting off the gloves and chalk.

BTW breakfast of champions:
60grams whey
12oz Dr Pepper
1 pack of vitamins
1 can Beef A Roni
1 Bag of popcorn

How much weight do you usually do with these? I can usually do 185 3 sets of 6 reps…
which is sad,because it’s more than I can bench

something like this:
Yet, those KILL my knees, so IDk how it will be for you

Ugh bro this is what I am going through right now. You should see the x-rays and MRI its sooo jagged and nasty. I had an incident :snky: and my knee and ankle are fucked. Did you do physical therapy? I have the printouts of all the strengthening exercises for the knee if you want me to scan and send them to you.

:slight_smile: Now combine the two and you’ve got yourself a new haircut.

Why is it sad? Your back is a larger muscle group than your chest. When I was working on my bench, I was blasting my back hard as fuck… only horizontal movements though, as they are the opposing movement of a flat bench. Another example, if you want bigger shoulder presses, start dipping with a weight belt.

If you cant pull this into your waist(well above the waist) and hold it there bar pressing your body it is too much weight. I almost never see people doing this the proper way.

This might sound retarded but I really believe if you are trying to get big and strong,you can somewhat sacrifice form to move something heavy.

I usually bounce the bar off my chest (ribcage)
I could hold it there…but I’d DEF not get 6-8 out

Shit…idk, Everyone i’ve ever trained with emphasized form over ANYTHING.

You can really fuck your self up…

how jacked are the people you train with?

Meh I’ll just summarize. You aren’t cheating every rep, but cheating the last one isn’t the worst,and I’m not talking about excessive cheating, but controlled.