the Actual Work-Out thread

when im actually working out… besides protein…

creatine 189 (NOT monohydrate…)
Mega-Mens Multi Vitamin (makes my pee bright neon yellow)
Occasionally L-Glutamine depending on how im feeling

I’m following Wendler’s 5/3/1 right now and going back to Westside in preparation for a meet in April. Then I’m moving to a Westside based strongman template in preparation for a strongman in June. I follow the Anabolic Diet, which is 50-60% fat/ 30-40% protien / 30g carbs per day, reload on saturdays.

Do any of you guys train strongman events? In Rochester?

I take a multi, fish oil, bcaa’s, vitc and zinc everyday. Oh and metimucil due to my low carb diet.

Right now I just take Optimum Nutrition 100%whey, mens multi vitamin, and flex-a-min. When I am bulking I take waxy maize starch as well. Sometimes I take white flood and that shit is like crack. I am going to order more soon.

I was running into one injury after another for months so I finally took some time off. I am at about two months right now and im about to start working out again like crazy. I cant wait.

Im taking L- Agrinine, L glutimine, and I picked up myoshock today and its a great pre work supplement. I noticed a good jump in my reps. But then again I don’t drink coffie, energy drinks, pop so my caffine intack is low.

I take:

Amplified Creatine 189(Non-monohydrate formula)

Flax seed oil caplets

L-glutamine(powder form I mix in protein shakes)

GNC multi-green multi-vitamins(Mega men has fish in it, I’m allergic)

Protein:I take four kinds of protein, and they all have a purpose. I mix them all with skim milk.

  1. GNC Pro Performance PM protein before I go to bed. It has Casein protein and slow absorbing proteins that take about 8 hours to fully absorb. Since 33% of your growth happens when your sleeping this stuff is amazing.
  2. GNC Pro Performance 100% whey. I take this as soon as I wake up in the morning.
  3. GNC Pro Performance Wheybolic Extreme. I take this AFTER I WORKOUT ONLY. This stuff is really expensive and your just wasting it if you take it any other time. It has Lucein and L-Glutamine in it that help you recover after a really tough workout.
    4.Muscle Milk. Any time you need a quick shake I buy the cases at GNC and slam one and go.

seriously…cross country skiing burns more calories than running or swimming. It is an amazing workout. Don’t believe me? Try it. You will find yourself exhausted very quickly lol.

Nothing burns more calories per hour than boxing/kick boxing/wrestling (or all three, ie MMA). Just sparring has to use the same as swimming, which is around 1100/hr.

I didn’t know so many legit work out guys took supplements, I might have to look into those. As far as microwaving eggs, you have to scramble them in the cup and add some salt/pepper then microwave it. Then they won’t explode.

ok, but seriously. I havent been on a serious workout plan since i was horribly ill a year a go today. But since then ive been trying to work out. Unfortunatley i only get to the gym about 1 time a week with the baby now and working 2nd shift. but…

once a week ill bench 3 sets of 10 at 245lbs. Then depending on my mood ill do 3 sets of decline and 3 sets of incline bench mixing in dumbells. All done on freeweights, none of that machine crap.

then i will work out the biceps and triceps. Nothing special, just curls and some skull breakers opr whatever you call them. I no longer take suppliments due to the fact that they are outragously priced and make me look and feel bloated.

But for now im not trying to get big, im just trying to maintain so i dont feel like a complete and total loser.:frowning: Just need more time in the day is all.:frowning:

I’m glad more people realize that Just whey protein is not the answer…

Why don’t you guys start squatting and deadlifting?

The only sups I take is simply 100% ON Whey during the day, and at night, ON Casein. I have muscle milk that I’ll take occasionally, but it’s just once in awhile. The Protein in milk isn’t used up by the body as quickly as a whey protein, so the combination in a shake works out pretty well.

Yep complex excersizes are the best for building muscle because it cause’s your body to release testosterone. ON whey mix’s great love that stuff only thing i will take.


good call on peanut butter in the shakes, ill have to try it tomorow. how much do u put in?

as of right now my shake was, 2scoops of halo, 2 Purple K, a banana,a yoplay strawberry yogart lol, 16oz skim milk, and a scoop of ice cream for thickness

i think im going to just start eating the banana seperate because i hate getting chunks while drinking it.

then before and after workout i take 1 (2 total) pills of creakic hardcore.

i just have to get the rest of my meals refocused :frowning:

Work out 5 days a week. walk/job 25min on a treadmill before hitting the weights and 10-15min after the weights with a cool down walk.

Lift 5 days a week. Split body part routine, chest one day, bis one day, tris another and so on… etc… Alternating days of high rep medium weight and heavy for each body part. Try to keep things switched up. I dont build for size, but rather just to stay in shape.

As of right now, not hitting the gym hard I am 6’2" approx 228lbs, 13% body fat enjoying my pizza and beer.

Only supplement I use is protein in between meals. I have one shake mixed with water to keep the carlories down between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner.

Ive done creatine and andro before it became illegal and hated them both. I dont like the water weight that comes with creatine and you lose a lot after you are off of it. The andro always seemed to make me sick once I got off of it. Perhaps a reason why it because illegal.

When training hard I slim down, keep the muscle but drop fat. I am shooting to drop 10lbs in fat by the end of April for vacation and keep it off all summer. Entails upping the cardio and working in a better diet and sticking to it.

I also agree that benching isnt everything. I aim as a basic rule of thumb to be able to bench my body weight 8-10 reps, but I dont train for it. Just a goal to keep things semi focused.

What do most of you guys make your protein shakes out of?

I’m not sure how good mine is but it sure as hell tastes good…
~2 handfulls of frozen blueberries
~handfull of assorted fruit (cantaloupe,strawberries,ect)
~3 spoon fulls of vanilla yogurt
~cup of milk
~2 scoops of generic Whey protein ~26 grams of protein a scoop.

throw it all in a blender…

I’ve been doing the 10 sets of 3 method:

DAY 1: Chest and Tri’s

Barbell or Dumbbell Bench Press
Sets: 10
Reps: 3

Triceps Pressdowns
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Sets: 4
Reps: 12

Incline Bench
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

DAY 2: Legs

Sets: 10
Reps: 3

Calf raises
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Leg Curls
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Leg Extensions
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

DAY 3: Back & Bi’s

Chin-ups (Palms up on the cable machine)
Sets: 10
Reps: 3

Standing Barbell Curls
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Upright Rows
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Concentrated Curls
Sets: 3
Reps: 8

DAY 4: 30 min of Cardio

DAY 5: Shoulders

Dumbbell Military Press
Sets: 10
Reps: 3

Side raises
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Front raises
Sets: 4
Reps: 6

Sets: 4
Reps: 6

DAY 6: 30 min of cardio

DAY 7: Off

You guys really make a caloric dense protein shake. Be careful how many calories you are dumping into those things… you’ll get super fat pretty quick.

My shakes are… whey, oats ( king of all food ) milk.

coldaccord… damn that’s a lot of exercises… I hope it’s working for you :shock:

I should start eating more. I’m on a hefty dose of adderall so like…I’m NEVER hungery. I always have to force myself to eat. I usually only eat once a day and it consists of like a salad and maybe a bologna sammich or somethin like that. Not too healthy lol.

heres the shake i make

-2 scoops protein (i use vanilla gnc basic stuff… muscle milk has too much fat)
-splash of milk
-splash of water
-hand full of spinach
-4 frozen whole strawberries
-some frozen raspberries (if i have them)
-few ice cubes
-then as much v8 splash as it takes to thin it out
-and a spoon full of Glucosamine for the joints