u know what always made me laugh is these discussions usually go: “you’re stupid/gay/dumb/retarded for believing there is a god” yet those who are opposing that argument usually don’t call someone stupid or gay or dumb or retarded for not believing.
oh you believe in the theory of evolution…well here are some contradicitons…
oh you believe in creationism…you’re a jackass…
i beleive to a certain extent. i beleive spirituality > organized religion. and i dont buy into god creted everything. if everything needs a start point for creation where is it?
God creates earth, god creates life on earth.
wheres the origin? where did god come from?
if brokeass questions evolutions and wonders how did monkeys just appear? then how can god just appear and make shit. its not rational.
the part of the theory that doesn’t hold up is that if we evolved from primates why aren’t there half human primates evolving now…why did humans evolve and some primates not…where’s the cutoff…it doessn’t hold up
in all actuality there were several different primate species living on the earth at one time. those that could adapt lived… those that couldnt died off. its in the fossil record.
did you ever wonder why they’ve never found a fossilized ape-man…they always just find bones yet we have entire fossilized dinosaurs EVERYWHERE and there are none of those left…5+billion people on this earth and we can’t find one fossilized ape-man
did some research tonight as well as read revelation you are saying that a catholic wrote it right? then why is their no mention of any religion close to catholosism in the book that looks at the possitives and negitives of every Christian religion at the time of it’s writing? read the book and show me where it even hints toward the catholic faith.
because some think that dinosaurs trump creationism because the bible said man couldn’t coexsist with dinosaurs this goes back to my statment earlier to gearheads post. how do we know how long a day is in Gods eyes? in one day to God he may have created and destroyed the dinosaurs and in our perspective of time it may be millions of years
that doesn’t tell you anything nor offer proof…if you’re claiming that as a source just because it’s the history channel that’s a weak argument. all it did was quote outside sources while offering no evidence to back it up
we need primary sources but that is something hannibal won’t do because they aren’t on the interweb…ohhh wait it isn’t because of that it is because primary sources don’t exsist
yes but you still havent answered the basic question i have been asking. if you need something to create something else. WHAT CREATED GOD? im being dead serious. According to you guys everything just popped up and was created. Fossil records indicate otherwise.