the beginning of the end or the next big war?You choose

Im going to australia. to fuck some kangaroos

just waiting to hear who buys them out for pennies on the dollar (with help from the Fed obviously) and recapitalizes when the stock jumps back.

oh fuck shut up… you lose here anyways, not me.

Simple,China, japan,and everyone else holding U.S dollars that are becoming worthless.Turn them in and buy up all the real estate,banks,etc. like they have been doing the last few years

Well what percentage of our oil comes from Iran? I thought we only get around 10% from them but I’m probably wrong.
…haha miss usa just fell on her ass.

Yep, Iran opened up their oil bourse a while back and was accepting Iranian currency.

I do not think it was any coincidence that Iraq switched to euros shortly before we attacked them.

I am with misteroman$$$ on the gold/silver/guns/ammo thing. It doesnt hurt to have them just in case.

On the Freddie and Fannie subject, it is my understanding that they are leverage somewhere between 60:1 and 200:1 and only in for more hurt.

My source is this.
It was written before the gov announcement of their plan and according to that guy their plan is only going to make things worse.


Been calling for this for a couple of years now.

the friggin brown dudes with butt-tons of oil money own SCORES of north american real estate, corporations etc… it’s retarded.

if that information were published i bet america goes bonkers

it’s so funny that you mention that bing. perfect timing. lol


and Freddie/Fanny aren’t going anywhere.

you’re right they aren’t going anywhere but they won’t be owned by any US firm









You guys should push aside some of the 9/11 theories he’s brought up and pay attention to bing when he talks about this. This isn’t about oil, it’s about the US dollar being on the oil standard.


i dont know about silver and gold if things were to get bad enough. id be more concerned with becoming more self sufficient… ie gardens and livestock and water.

rifle/pistol and thousands of rounds, Hand dug well, cows, corn and potatoes FTW :slight_smile:


Wow…you are very racist arent you. All I ever see from you is either money grubbing whites, brown dudes, or those poor afro americans…and alot of anti-american bullshit. Sir…you suck.

I bet he hates asians too.

Both of those things go hand and hand so I won’t disagree with you.I was actually going to start buying up some ammo(paying cash of course) for the guns I have.Obviously it’s almost impossible to be fully prepared for the worst and have everything ya need,so have something of value to trade for what you may need.

Well yeah who doesnt? they can’t drive for shit :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL this thread sucks now I disagree that the US is on the oil standard as Fry puts it. It seems as if we are riding the wealth from the dot com craze and the industrialized times when the US was the most advanced country in the nation. Now the rest of the world has caught up when we’ve been sitting back enjoying ourselves.

politely… shut up… and whatever

we are Generation Y… Racism doesnt exist, the entire concept is meaningless. I’m in an interracial marriage for fuck sake. i bragged about it on stormfront (white supremacy forum) and i’m not 100% caucasian… wrap your head around that.

describing people by the colour of their skin is just that. their skin is brown, i refer to it as such. dont try to understand please.

fucking thank god for this guy

i’ve literally had this discussion on NYspeed a half dozen times. fuck this conspiracy badge too, i already won that arguement.

Have you ever read the papers in Canada? Do you have many Canadian friends? Canada, although across a thin border is an entirely different culture. A much more calm and collected version of the US on a whole. They look at us the way the rest of the world does. I for one plan on getting my dual citizenship so I have another option when shit hits the fan.

Do you even want to live in that type of situation?