The Cardio Thread

I used to hate running too, because I always felt like dying after about a mile… I started to like it more after I found out I could do it for more than 10 minutes. Get out there and I’m sure you’ll feel better after the workout…

Yo I think you win man in terms of pure distance…

Just got back from the Y now. Good day, 3.5 miles on the treadmill and 1.8 miles on the erg.

Enough to negate the fish sandwich I had at lunchtime.

For those of you that are interested in changing the way you look, and not training for endurance events, cardio is grossly overrated, while diet and weight training are often ignored.


It’s great for the initial weight loss though. I lost almost 100 lbs doing nothing but cardio.

I dont know what thats gotta do with Barney Rubble but my dog needs some exercise too

Played 1.5 hrs of tennis yesterday, real nice out so I broke out of work early.

Haven’t been on the treadmill this whole week though since work kicked my a$$…

Gonna play some more tomorrow morning, hope it’s not that cold at 8:30 AM…

ran outside this week, so much better than a treadmill

hear that man, I haven’t been out yet for the Spring, where’d you run?


Marathon runner vs. sprinter:

Though I’d imagine the people that exercise solely to change their appearance are the people that dont exercise for very long.

Running is a good way to get your heartbeat up and get yourself moving.

Once you get to the point where you can run about 3 miles as most members manage to do on here, it’s also a good way to start a workout with a solid calorie burn.

Also there are way too many people at the gym with chicken legs, who concentrate solely on the upper body.

Good point. Will be reading more about nutrition in papers and such to see what food rules I am breaking and see how I might be able to make improvements in pre-exercise and post-exercise eating. I will be looking at stuff written by Aragon.

On another note, I put in a solid hour of tennis yesterday morning then 20 min on the erg… Followed by half an hour of lifting. Good workout.

I just tracked my run - just over a mile, time to start improving on time and length.

What’s the rule on protein intake? 1.5g per lb?

I’ve had a huge jug of whey protein for years now and I can’t kill it. It also never wants to mix well with milk or water so I end up drinking chunks.

If you want to get in good shape and have a good 3 mile pace…join the Marines! lol When I was in I ran on average 20 min 30 sec 3 miles.

Just got back from an hour and 45 minute mtn bike ride. The only time I stopped was when I snapped my chain and had to fix it. Which was literally only 2 minutes of downtime. I’m happy that I am still in somewhat good shape cardio wise still.

does it look like i need exercise

high intensity interval training 4-5x a week. Warmup 5 mins jog, 30 second sprints/20 second maintains for 15 minutes, cooldown til back at normal heart rate. Amazingly intense.

What about swimming? How does that stack up against cardio at the gym or running?

At the Muay Thai gym i’ve been training at to get ready for a fight i’ve been doing a pretty intense cardio work out.

It’s a series of 5 stations that include 45 seconds at each station. After completing all stations there is a 30 second break and then it repeats again for another 2 rounds.

Stations include

carrying a huge tractor tire from one end of the gym to the other.

getting hooked to an elastic band around your waist and sprinting to the corner of the gym (staying as low as possible) then slowly retracting back.

spider man or regular push up’s with your feet elevated up on a heavy bag.

catching a 25 lb sand bag and tossing it back to the spotter then sprawling onto the mat and repeating process.

taking 2 heavy ass thick ropes (it’s used to tug boats) that are hooked to a wall and whipping each one simultanously.

This didn’t sound too intense until I got about halfway through the 2nd round and really started to feel it. I’ve only recently started this work out so i’m hoping with more work at it I will be able to build up more stamina with it and finish stronger.

I’d imagine swimming is great for cardio also it probably works out a good majority of your entire body.