The Cardio Thread

I do HIIT. I never do any distance running.

look again brother.

Damn you have a better pace over 3 miles then I do over 1.

I need to step my game up.

It all depends on speed I guess, but I would think for the average person, running would burn more because it’s easier for a regular person to get to a decent pace, as compared with swimming where you need to worry about stroke / form / etc.

Input your body weight and put in running at 7 mph as against swimming at the faster speed and running burns more, at least according to that site.

Crazy man… I’m sure your workout is not boring though! :lol
I seen some of the stuff those guys in Fight Quest do to up their stamina, $hit is ridiculous.

I did, but don’t know what thread you’re getting at? One you made as opposed to one Adam made?

Zumba! I dare any of you fuckers to try it! Best “cardio” workout I’ve done by far… Plus lot of good looking girls shakin their stuff.




Word. I can only do about 11:00 right now lol. Legs cramp up, but I’ve been chipping away. Hopefully this year I get under 10 and then go from there.

i’ve been running on the elliptical at the gym for the last month, do between 6-7 miles a night in an hour.

Cool, how’s that $hit compared to running? Seem easier or harder effort wise?

I started playing hockey again 2 times a week and just from that Ive felt a lot better.

We do those EXACT dances! Def recommend it- great workout.

theres a ton of diff levels (i think 20ish) so you can put up on diff resistances. i usually go on 8 but i might have to start going higher. i like it because its easier on my knees then running on a track/outside. i also feel like my shoes would fly off it i did regular running since i don’t tie my shoes.

eliptical is def way easier on the joints!!!

I’m very good friends with Alan, in fact I’ve had him post on here (search user name Alan Aragon), to put a few people in their place when spewing broscience. I can help you with your pre/post excercise meals, and meal timing.

Not much research out there showing that more than 1g of protein per lb is needed, but most shoot for 1.2 or so. “Enhanced” athletes have been shown to be able to take advantage of levels as high as 1.5, due to AAS increasing protein synthesis.

Yeah I know, I think I read some of those posts before… But admittedly it could have been in Spanish- I understood very little. Anyways, I will contact you when I’m ready to start something up.

Out on the road here in Salt Lake City… Haven’t worked out all week so I decided to burn some calories at the hotel gym…

4.6 miles on the treadmill, took me about 45 minutes- ran most of it, walked about 0.3-0.4 miles of it only. 600 calories right there.

Started getting tired after the 2 mile mark, then I remembered that SLC is at 4200 ft altitude… Does this really affect a person’s stamina (thinner air = less 02 intake) ?

Spent 40 minutes on the climber after that, did about 110+ floors… Another 400 calories.

Total expenditure- 1000 calories… Sucks that this is like, the equivalent of one juicy burger!

yup, and mine are fucked from years of skateboarding. thankfully snowboarding isn’t as hard on them.

What is this cardio?? :lol I havent done much since knee surgery. Elliptical is about all Ive done, anywhere from 20 mins to an hour.

Yo stick to the meathead lifting thread! :lol

Well if you do 20-60 min, that IS cardio! But if you just do it every 6 months, that’s another thing though I guess. Haha