The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

yea, the previews didn’t even look funny…

agreed…it was slow going and pretty boring

smokin aces i liked 6/10

The Departed FTW/10, awesome movie

Road to Perdition 9/10

1408 7/10

The number 23 9.1/10
Great movie .Thriller and mind teaser.Best i have seen in a while of this kind.

Saw Stardust with my gf last night:


It was…bizarre. Overall, I liked it more than I hated it, but it was just weird. Fantasy or not.



a story of murder.

from the previews it looked like a dark Period style chick flick.

but ended up being a pretty twisted story about an orphan with a nose for ladies.

8/10 bewbies, murderz, & orgy???

wierd awesome.

and aparently french redheads smell better than all other chicks.

Halloween by Rob Zombie


Though it’s twisted as fuck, there’s no twist/anything new to the story. In the end, you only left with " Well, know I know how it started".

Edit: 7/10 ( forgot about the teeny boobies, kept looking at the girl next to me saying “Hey, just like yours” real loud :slight_smile: )

I think I love my wife
6/10 - scared the shit out of me…

the prestige
7/10 - good movie overall

breaking and entering
8/10 - solid acting, good story

8/10 - like GTA in real life, lot of fun.

year of the dog
7/10 - solid acting, good story, crap ending.

this is england
9/10 sold acting, great cast, good story

Blades of Glory.


I was really hoping for a lot more from this. Way too many not funny scenes.

Best line: “I’m getting sick, you smell like aftershave and taco meat!”

Life is Beautiful - 10/10 - (drama, romance, comedy) really clever, funny, intelligent, serious, uplifting, one of the best movies ive ever seen… its in italian with english subtitles

Tonight I managed to catch the sneak preview of Resident Evil : Extinction.


This is a great zombie/horror movie,better than the last one IMO.All action,lots of stuff that makes you jump,Milla Jovovich is extremely hot (the other chic too).A must see for the people who like zombie movies.

National Treasure



The Condemned.This is with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vinnie Jones.

7/10,a good popcorn flick…somewhat cheesy but still managed to keep me interested.

The hitcher (2007)

7/10,its got an awesome highway scene involving a 2nd gen Fbod that will be stuck in my head for awhile and a few other good scenes.Fbod scene scores this movie 2 points alone.

Good Luck Chuck w/Dane Cook and Jessica Alba.

Lots of Boobs and funny.


Good Luck Chuck!

Solid 7.5

about 81 boobies in it though… Yes, an odd number :slight_smile:

Vacancy - not bad, fairly typical horror/thriller made more scary because you could almost picture it happening in real life. 7/10

City of Violence - Korean flick with some good fight scenes in it. Basic story of a guy getting killed and his friends seeking revenge. 7/10

Wrong Turn 2 - If you like sick gross movies watch this one

Disturbia- Good flick 8/10

house of 1,000 corpses… um what the fuck?? 3/10… way to rip off texas chainsaw massacre completely in basically every way. rob zombie sucks.

28 Weeks Later
Better than expected. I am a big fan of the first one but didn’t think they could do a worthy sequal, but it was actually pretty good.
