The last movie you've seen, and rate it.


Holy Shit.


iMax + 3d = wow

Superbad omfg it was AWSOME!!! :tup::tup::tup:/:tup::tup::tup:


Davinci Load - 0.00001 / 10


Do you see Brad Pitt posting reviews of Fight Club anywhere? You’re not supposed to review your own movie you hoser.


Davinci Load - 0.00001 / 10

the 0.00001 is for the awesome name. Unfortunately, having an amazing porno name doesn’t always mean its gonna be a good porno. after the first 10 minutes, I realized that the women weren’t showing up any time soon. :frowning:

I was duped into watching a gay porno… And I was forced into skipping ahead in shear disbelief that it was a gay porn. So after burning images of anal penetration, male on male ass licking, and weird male on male cowboy sex… I gave up the effort to find women in this Ridiculously awesome named porno and just accepted the defeat that it was a gay porno :frowning:

Moral of the Story: No matter how cool the name is… It could still be gay porno


OMFG that’s fucking hysterical.

Most of you dudes would hate it, but i thought it was pretty awesome… I need to read the book.

Alpha Dog

Caught it on HBO, great movie, true story too








any1 ever see little miss sunshine?


any1 ever see little miss sunshine?


Yes. It’s pretty good. It’s almost a hokey feel good comedy drama, but it has more edge.

with little miss sunshine… The kid wanting to be a test pilot… was kind of odd.

It almost seems like the way they initially presented it, it was like he was just lying about it so he didn’t have to talk to his parents, and not cause he actually want to become a test pilot…

Still a good awkward movie though


Most of you dudes would hate it, but i thought it was pretty awesome… I need to read the book.


I really want to see that. There was a sweet documentary on it a few years ago on the Discovery channel.


any1 ever see little miss sunshine?



liked it enough to watch several times

i dunno, i just liked it for some odd reason

ya i think i might get that one and check it out



liked it enough to watch several times

i dunno, i just liked it for some odd reason


What’s so odd about it? LMS is a hysterical movie. Alan Arkin is a riot, and the dance at the end is like icing on a cake. :tup: LMS.



It was okay. :tup: x2 to jessica alba’s wet shirt and side boob


What’s so odd about it? LMS is a hysterical movie. Alan Arkin is a riot, and the dance at the end is like icing on a cake. :tup:


there’s nothing odd about the movie itself… all im saying is that the movie wasn’t the style im usually into as far as really enjoying it, but this one I did…


Not sure what to rate it, but it will go in the top 10 best movies I’ve ever seen. The ending of the second double feature, Deathproof, was just sweet

Superbad 6.5/10

People raved about this movie and how funny it is,it didn’t live up to my expectations.Some parts were gay,some dragged out,some were really funny though.The fat kid became annoying after awhile and if it wasn’t for McLovin and the cops i’d give it a 2/10.

Just got around to watching 300. Some cool scenes, but overall it was too video-gameish, especially with the mediocre constant computer animated fake blood spattering. Hardly any storyline.



Just got around to watching 300. Some cool scenes, but overall it was too video-gameish, especially with the mediocre constant computer animated fake blood spattering. Hardly any storyline.



you should be murdered with a sword for that review


Dude, that movie sucked. I realize it was filmed in a non-traditional manner and meant to be more avant garde, somewhat like Sin City except with a vague historical context, but they didn’t pull it off. Instead of a real movie they ended up with was a porno with fighting instead of sex. No story, a few cool scenes, and a lot of fake fluids.
