The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

shenanigans can not be called. shenanigans must be declared

Watched Iron Man tonight. 9/10. damn good.
possibly the best comic-to-movie attempt to date, imo.

i seen it today, the previews deffinately hyped it up more than it was worth, but thats how most movies are. i actually liked the movie up until like the last half hour after the guy character was jumped from behind in the woods. you dont really jump because of the movie, i jumped because of the quiet music followed by an abrupt 40000000 db blast of sound everytime someone popped out. there was deffinately a lot of suspense throughout the movie, but i thought that after the part i mentioned was particularly shitty. which was basically the after-climax part… i dont really know if there even was a climax. idk if you know what a plot is… but it was im guessing, people that were at the wedding with them and seen that she declined his offer to marriage. which is why the one girl called her a hoe… (or maybe they were randomly dressed up like they just came from a wedding?) idk thats my take on the plot, probably wrong. basically the plot was a bunch of crazy people killing an innocent couple while they try to escape.

im pretty sure that every movie ever made has a plot

id give it a 7/10 and probably the best movie i have seen in the past three months at the theatres besides iron man which i thought was almost a 10/10

and i went to galleria theatre and it was a free medium popcorn and free drink with it, cant go wrong

Holy fucking shit *SAW

Why, I am sorry sir. Oh why yes, I may have forgotten that this wasn’t the Entertainment and Lifestyle section of the forum, but rather the English Language forum. I am sorry for making you rather baffled by the improper use of my grammar. When I scored a 98 on my New York State English Language Arts Regents Exam, I figured that i would have the benefit to TALK HOW THE FUCK I WANT ON A FORUM.

Kindly, I thank you for correcting my mistake.

Gay Niggers from Outerspace - 2.5/5

had its moments… but generally sucked

I cringed at the sentence starting with “I seen” as well.

The Strangers.
Could have been better. I mean, it didn’t help that I must have went to the theater that had all the 14 year old girls who would SCREAM BLOODY MURDER at stupid parts, which inturn made the whole crowd start laughing. Ughhh. Terrible viewing experience. Could have had a better ending. Pissed me off that it had “typical” horror movie attributes.

strangers i give it a 7/10 could have been better like the ending and the first half hour started kinda gay/slow

Chronicals of Narnia Prince Caspien 9/10

Movie that brings you back to your youth, the kind that you can get lost in (like you were there, not confused).

Indiana Jones 4 9/10

I cant hate on Indiana, I loved it growing up. This one reminded me of Temple of Doom which was my least favorite. The Tarzan thing with the monkeys was pretty gay and I didnt care for all the CGI stuff, but other than that, it was pure Indiana Jones. I think the next one will be like The Last Crusade. Harrison will step into Sean Connery’s spot and Shia will take over (hopefully without the gay ducktail haircut).

Indiana Jones, I thought it was stupid, in the end…there are aliens

really? Think about it.There was a fucking knight waiting for someone worthy enough for like 2000 years.You have to go to both extremes.

Seen The Condemned over the weekend. I’d give it a 8/10
Stars Steve Austin and Vinnie Jones.

Millionaire takes 10 condemned to death prisoners to a vacant island in the middle of no where for a fight to the death. Winner gets his freedom back. Everything is recorded and shown live online as a reality type show.

saw this too last weekend. i’d give it maybe a 5/10. it really wasn’t very good. entertaining yes, good no. it added nothing to the series, and was just as cheesy and had just as bad acting as the originals. gotta love it for that, but the movie itself didn’t impress me. poor special effects, crappy plot, horrible fight scenes.

yes there are at the end. what many people don’t realize though is that the concept of aliens and ancient civilizations is a common connection. many people don’t believe that it was possible for the ancients (myans, incans, egyptians, aztecs, etc.) to have the technology that they did without help from “aliens”. these civilizations had plumbing, aqueducts, advanced building techniques, irrigation systems, basically things that later civilizations wouldn’t re-invent for hundreds of years. and of course, anyone other than western-european whites can’t invent things or be smart by themselves, so they had to have help from aliens to have that technology. if you know the history of these civilzations and the theories about them then the idea of them putting aliens in the movie makes more sense. well, kinda lol.

Holy fuck. Just work on your Post structure, you could be a Grade A forumer

:tup: to the new batch of non-sucking newbies

what’s wrong with my post structure? lol

One blob paragraph… no one will read

then it’s their loss lol

Rambo (the new one): 8/10

The awesomeness of this movie is almost too much for mere mortal DVD players. Really, if you’re in the mood for good old fashion, head popping, limb severing violence on people half way around the world, you can’t do better than this movie. It’s like genocide for dummies, with a .50 cal sniper rifle, mortors, landmines and of course the huge mounted machine gun.

Cliffs: Awesomeness.

I saw it in the theater, and I don’t think that a mere tv could do it justice.

I’ve got a 51" HD set, but yeah, I think it may never be the same after this movie. I feel like I need to watch the movie again, but at 1/2 speed to fully appreciate the carnage.

My wife’s comment as the credits rolled… “That was probably the most ridiculous violence I’ve ever seen in a movie”. I’m not sure if she meant that as a compliment like I did though.