The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

Children of men

fucking awesome movie. shots, music, placement, everything. i mean i’m a clive owen fan ever since seeing bmwfilms, but fuck this movie was good.

Did you read the book, too? Every person I’ve talked to who has read the book said they’d never see the movie. I’d like to watch it, but I want to check out the book first.

Gladiator- 8/10

Finally watched this from beginning to end. Awesome story, lots of stabbing, and not overdone.

I just watched that again last night on HBO. Same for jew?

I don’t know if I’ve ever been more stressed out watching a movie during the scene when they were escaping the farm house. Gets my heart rate up every time.

Iron man for me, i give the movie 10/10
great movie, i loved every minute of it
and the staying after the credits was worth it.

for sho

haha yea jumping the car. what i don’t get though; they were jumping it (dead battery) but when they got it going, and it shifted into 2nd it sounded autotragic as hell

Bella - 9/10 uplifting movie, tearjerker, really good, really real. i thought it was really well made. really.

Forgetting Sara Marshall.

Pretty good…had a good handful of funny moments…but as i expected it was kinda chick-flicky, which really isn’t my thing. The chick from That 70’s Show is fucking hawt…

Too predictable though…i like to be surprised in a movie, and this whole movie could be predicted after the first 15 minutes…

that is a great movie. This douchebag trainer at a collection agency i worked at several years back suggested we watch it… His intent was to use the ideas and creativity from the movie to get people to pay their bills…:cjerk: whatever.
Hearing about this movie was the best thing that ever came out of that shithole…

great great movie though. i haven’t seen it since then…think i’ll go buy it tomorrow. maybe walmart has it in that wonderful “cheap not so popular” movie bin. :smiley:

One Missed Call. meh, typical cheesey fright movie, like Final destination but gayer.5/10
Cloverfield. Ya it took me awhile. It was cool till the end, the ending blew.6.5/10
The Invasion. Cool version of “invasion of the body snatchers” decent film. 8/10
Shooter. Pretty decent sniper movie, not much to think about but cool movie. 8/10

Bucket List 7/10

Diary of the Dead… 6/10…and that’s being generous because i’m a huge fan of this series.
George Romero had an amazing idea with this movie in making it like a documentary. It had soooo much potential to be a great flick.
Instead it turned in to a pseudo-teen wannabe horror flick, that wasn’t scary. Granted, “the dead” series are more of apocalyptic style film as opposed to “scary shit pops on the screen AHHHH” stuff, but this one seriously lacked.
Bad george, bad.

Broken Arrow 7/10 and if it wasnt for this part it would be a 5/10.

Full Scene w/ other funnies

Indiana Jones all 4

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Fantastic movie. Its pretty much a classic. Lots of action, cool ruins and puzzles that Indy has to solve and Nazis. What could be better? So many scenes that are lampooned in so many shows and movies. If you haven’t see this movie, damnit go out and rent it immediately. 9.5/10

Temple of Doom
A little more out there than the first. Lots of dark images and a fairly large departure from the first. Still tons of action and still Indy using his quick thinking to find his way out of trouble. The scene on the rope bridge is great and I love the rail cart chase. There was something a little off about this movie but there is so much good stuff that it doesn’t matter. 8.5/10

Last Crusade
Probably my favorite in the series. You get to see a little of Indy’s history and I enjoyed the way he has to follow clues around the world to find the holy grail. Connery was very good in the movie and added a lot of comedy. There is also tons of action in this movie and of course the return of Nazis. They make for the ultimate villain. 9.5/10

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Alright, so I saw this one yesterday. I went in looking to criticize it especially with all the mixed reviews that it had received. The plot was a little out there, but then I thought back to the previous films, specifically Temple of Doom. Then there were the stunts that seemed a little too crazy. Then I thought back to Temple of Doom. A raft out of a plain onto a mountain and into a river. It would never happen but it did in that film. So I don’t think that KOTCS is that strange. It was simply a different kind of mystery for Indy to solve. I thought Shia was a good addition to the cast and it was nice to see the return of an person from the original film. There was tons of action again in this movie. Probably even more than any of the others before it. There were some very cool scenes like the warehouse and the ants in the jungle. I felt there was less of the problem solving, McGuyver-ish type stuff that Indy had to do. Overall, I liked the movie quite a bit and I will be buying it on DVD or blu-ray to add to my Indiana Jones collection. 8.5/10

Speed Racer:

I’m one of the ten people that actually say this movie lol. It was just me and my girl in the whole theater but we did see it on the release of Indiana Jones. It was actually pretty good. The style of the movie was pretty cool. You’ll enjoy this one if you watched the cartoon. The movie was a bit too long and the plot should have moved a bit faster.


just rented the new Rambo and loved it 9/10

o man now i wanna see rambo again

agreed. The only reason why I’ll watch it again is because I <3 zombie flicks.

did you see the day of the dead remake? I don’t think George had any influence in it though… it was pretty bad/cheesy

indy jones 4 9.5/10!

Speed Racer - 7/10. I wasn’t really into wanting to see this movie but decided to go and didn’t hate it.

Indiana Jones 4 - 8/10.

There Will Be Blood. - 10/10. This movie fucking ruled so hard IMO. The last scene of the movie? awesome.


-Not Scary (Jumped once)
-They say it was based on true events. I call Shenanigans
