The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

Harold and Kumar Escape G-Bay - 8/10

I laughed my ass off through the whole movie. I love stereotype humor.

word same here. she looked fantastic in that movie

I finally rented this. Great guy movie. Weak plot, lotsa special effects, fighting etc.

I figured a chick flick with the wife would get me laid, and this won a ton of awards. I should have known that all the awards meant it sucked. We made it through about 15 minutes before I said “fuck this” and took it back to Blockbuster. You’d probably enjoy it if you’re the type of person who refers to movies as “films.”

The Kite Runner
Great movie, the type that keeps you engaged with deep historical, cultural, relationship, and political undertones. Not for a night of mind-numbing movie watching. Think of it as the anti-300.

ya dude… i watched it for like 10 minutes then went into my room and let the girl finish watching it… it sucked pretty bad

oh and i just watched 28 weeks later, pretty fucked up, i love zombie movies. it was ok, 6/10

Yea, I saw 28 weeks later last night as well.

Overall I’d say 6/10 is about right… kept the same feel as the original. Worked in some nice little subplots and ish. Cool movie, for a Rage flick.

One of those that you’ll watch if its on, but you’re not gonna go out of your way to DVR it.

i was planning on really liking atonement too… i was def disappointed as well :fail:

10,000BC–5/10 Sucked
Dooms Day–6/10 lots of action throughout/ but completely unrealistic
The Mist–7.5/10 pretty creepy with a F-ed up ending, but def worth watching.

I rented Chaos the other night. I usually like Jason Statham movies, but I just didn’t get into it. I rented it from Wegmans for a buck so I just took it back without finishing it.


Iron Man…i give it a 6/10 special effects were cool, but i think the story line was kind of corny and I didnt like the ending.

Had to sit through 27 Dresses with the GF. 1/10. Nothing else to say.

^really? Josh made you watch that?

Man on Fire- 9/10 one of the best movies I have ever seen
Black Hawk Down- 9/10 Great movie, cant believe things like that happen all the time


dude this made me fucking LOL

our gf’s went to see this movie at the theatre a while ago, the dudes went to go see RAMBO :TUP:

Armageddon - 4/10
This movie is cringe inducingly bad. I don’t know how it was so popular or why I liked it back when it came out, but it sucks balls. There are so many hacky jokes and stereotypical “summer movie” moments that it is sickening. Ugh I only give it a 4 because of the special effects.

From Hell 9/10
awesome flick

Just saw it. It was pretty good. 7-8

war of the worlds 2

7/10 it was good for low budget.
Kinda had a hard time following it sense I never seen the first one.
Got duped thinking i was the sequel to the tom cruise movie and wondered why there was no advertisement for it.

teeth 5/10
Dont watch it, not even the one set of small tits in it made it worth while.
Vags with teeth that munch man junk off during sex is just WRONG.

Senior skip day
If you liked farris buelers day off (sp?)
you’ll like this, it was deffinatly funny.

Blood relic
Low budget murder movie.
it delivers, almost everyone from the movie gets topless.
It was decent for low budget.

it was good, and worth the rent.
Kind creepy but not like really scary, it was well put together.

Boiler Room 8/10 :tup::tup:

Never heard of the movie until I came across this clip on youtube…