The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

hancock. was funny as hell.

Hancock. Tonight. I liked it. funny, yet one of those life lesson movies.

Drillbit Taylor, It was worth while and funny as hell.

Wall-E was great!
I love animated flicks

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

8.5/10 it was funny as hell… saw too much of dudes dick but other than that, i laughed my ass off

Just watched this too, I would go as high as 7…didn’t find it as funny as everyone else seemed to make it.

Definitely had its chuckle points, only once did I really LOL and that was when the big black dude was like “I just wanna find someone to snorkel with me”. The way he said it was soooo funny

Also watched The happening… 6.5/10. It was ok, for a movie with the title The Happening, nothing really happened in it. Ok lets run away, keep running…run a little more and then hole up for a bit. Don’t really know why this was rated r…could have been more detailed in the suicides, etc.

lol that was good… “its sea turtle fuckin season dude… they fuck for 3 hours”

30 days of night…i dont know why i bother with horror films… was pretty good, till the ending.

Time Bomb, Was really wierd, but I kinda liked it, it could have been much better

vantage point 9/10

Cool Runnings:

:tup: X 347537458467853543

just watched the move last night would not give it a 10/10 but it was ok i think it was to short (80 min) i think they could have made it somewhat longer and went into more

i wouldent give it a 3 out of 10, that movie sucked

Real creative movie I thought. Def worth renting.

Went to see Wanted! Sunday night. 7/10

Granted it’s got Angelina & Freeman… but meh. You can surely feel it’s comic book roots. There is a nice duality to the story, but I’m not a fan a pseudo fantasies.

It felt confused, wasn’t sure if it was more Matrix or more Die Hard. meh.

Action was okay. Couple of decent one liners.

Juno: 7/10

I’d give it a higher rating, but I hated the creepy thing with Mark. Soundtrack was freaking awesome. And it was pretty realistic. Good movie.

Shoot em up - 6/10 . most realistic action movie ever. had some funny spots, good action though.

is that the movie where he cut the umbilical cord with his gun? If so, that movie ruled lol

In Bruges (pronounced Brooge)
A pretty good dark comedy about a hitman hiding out in Belgium after a job gone bad. It deals with some pretty weighty situations and the movie swings from high violence to humor pretty abruptly. I wasn’t paying very close attention to the first 30 minutes as the movie didn’t appear to be what I thought it was going to be. However, once I started paying attention, I found the dialog to be very engaging with a lot of witty remarks tossed around. I also think this movie has the dubious honor of using the word “cunt” way more than other before it.

7.8 out of 10

hell yea i reviewed in bruges on the last page, i loved it