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How can you hate nick cage?

1 movie… “Face Off”

Did you guys see Lord of War?Thast was a pretty good flick.
8mm and con air were good.
National treasure could have been better if it were pg-13.It was about as good as a pg movie could get IMHO

Harsh Times

-sick ass movie, lil slow at times


Christian Bale kicks ass

I have seen a few movies lately. Some older some newer.

300: 9/10, could have been longer felt rushed for an epic movie

Casino Royale: 10/10 best bond ever kicked ass. Kick ass women, fights and scenery Montenegro :tup: :tup: Bond was a bad ass.

Why we fight: 10/10: a Documentary about the Military industrial complex and how our country has been increasingly militarized since WWII. Very good and makes you think.

Dead Mans Bluff: 7/10: Good for a Russian Movie. Good gore scenes. I’m still wondering if they used special effects for the peoples brains they blew out.

Behind Enemy Lines: 9/10. I’m a little biased on this one but overall was excellent. Older movie about a pilot downed in Bosnia/Serbia. Owen Wilson is invincible in this move and used a game genie to get God mode.

Lord Of War: 9/10: excellent film, needed a little more true factual data but same can be said for FNF :stuck_out_tongue:

just watched stranger than fiction 2/10 other than will ferrell saying he was married to the authors brother i thought the movie was terrible an thats hard for me to say because i think will ferrell is hilarious

Rocky Balboa, I thought this was gonna be really corny but was actually very good.


Who Killed The Electric Car was good also


The Pursuit of Happyness, :tup: :tup:

nicolas cage is def. hit or miss… face off is one of the best movies ive seen. for acting and for the story. come on, you have a good guy playing a bad guy acting like the good guy and vice versa… thats amazing acting. plus con air was good and city of angels is an awesome flick… gotta love the bad (sad) ending.

on topic, last movie for me was knocked up… 8/10. solid film all the way through. definitely shows the differences between men and women as clear as can be shown.

coming soon… fantastic 4 and oceans 13…

Fantastic 4…Silver Surfer was awesome…Jessica Alba looks better with darker hair and the movie seemed rushed…overall i give maybe 7/10…many things could be better


WOW, you must watch a lot of shit. Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie but the acting is total shit. It’s almost embarassing to watch.


people confuse me

con air > face off :slight_smile: looooooooove nick cage

Wow, only a 6.5… this was an amazing movie
9/10 at least
what would be a 9 or higher in your book then?

On TV…Entrapment with sean connery and catherine zeta jones.I love this movie,sean connery is the man. 8.5/10

Theater…oceans 13,thought it was better than the 2nd and on par with the first almost.8/10

LOL,the movie face off is good for its nonstop action…not so much the acting.

Idk, I just wasn’t blown away by it. I thought it was a good movie, but definitely not a 9/10. I guess I’m just picky.

[repeat]It’s all subjective, anyway.[/repeat]

Children of Men 9.9/10. Awesome movie, great cinematography.

Casino Royale 9/10

Black Snake Moan

great flick, not going to be for everyone but I thought it was awesome.

you are just an idiot The Departed was awesome… you didn’t like it cause you gave me a hummer for the first 45 min and didn’t understand what the hell happened after that…

Reno 911 Miami: Random, But I lol’d quite a bit. 7 out of 10

knocked up: 8.7/10 very funny


8 out of 10

Everything that horrible movie The Good Shepherd should have been.