The last movie you've seen, and rate it.


Children of Men 9.9/10. Awesome movie, great cinematography.


I disagree fully with your opinions on Children of Men…

Visually, it was stunning. It had a good idea behind it too, but I think they dropped the ball bigtime when it came to actually development of the story.

I felt cheated when I left the theatre, and it just felt like it dragged on. I’ve never hoped for a movie to end the way I did that movie.

Which greatly disappointed me, because I was thinking for sure that I would really enjoy it before seeing it.

Last movie I saw was Knocked Up. 7/10. Funny, don’t regret seeing it. Yet not quite on par with some of the other comedy greats.

1408: 8/10 needed more scary scenes…


1408: 4/10 needed scary scenes…




Rocky Balboa




Shooter,with mark whalberg.

lots of action,acting is meh



SOFA KING BAD out of 10


Not too bad. It’s better because I know it’s a true story. Some elements of suspense. I would give it a solid 7 out of 10.

Black Snake Moan

I liked this movie a lot. I loved the music, it was a pretty good story, and it has Justin Timberlake in it:spunk: .

But seriously, it was good. I didn’t know what to think when I saw the previews. 8 out of 10.

Breach was much better than I expected. I’d say 8/10

1408 7.5/10


Anal Breach was much better than I expected. I’d say 8/10



world trade center - 3/10

killzone - 8.5/10 subtitles in english, some good fight scenes and an interesting story, good soundtrack, nice setting

evan almighty


just wasnt as funny as it could have been. maybe im tired of that guy from the daily show :shrug:

although i think i kinda have a thing for lauren graham


world trade center - 3/10

killzone - 8.5/10 subtitles in english, some good fight scenes and an interesting story, good soundtrack, nice setting


What is this Killzone you speak of? Sounds good.

EDIT: Oh Donnie Yen is in it right? I will have to check it out.

Transformers was great, Id give it an 8 or 9. Gota leave alittle room for my all time favorites, but it had good action, great cars, a couple nice slampieces, and angry fighting robots…all around good time.

Smoking Aces 3/10. I realize I was a bit tired when I was watching it, so maybe its a 4 that Im being too harsh on, but Im pretty sure it sucked. And I didnt expect that at all, because Piven is the shit in entourage, but when the script calls for him to have 10 coked out scenes by himself and thats it, what is he supposed to do with that. It wasnt acting that killed it, it was the lack of plot/action/entertainment/storyline/relevance/excitement/bewbs that cost it.


What is this Killzone you speak of? Sounds good.

EDIT: Oh Donnie Yen is in it right? I will have to check it out.


there was ONE copy in the new release section at blockbuster… and yea itsss dope… one of the DVD list from


if anyone really liked that last song in smokin aces… it is @ and the song is “dead reckoning”

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Boring.I was a fan of all the other movies and after seeing Goblet of fire this is pretty dull when it comes to action.Quite a few things are different from the book and they could have made the movie a whole lot better.5/10

last couple weeks ive seen:

Taxi Driver - 10/10 dinero at his best circa early 1970s… pure character development, dvd has the making of, real interesting as well

the Pianist - 8.5/10 - good story, i think adrian brody is a great actor

schindler’s list - 9/10 - prolly best documented movie of the holocaust

Apacolypto - 8.5/10 - pretty cool flick, cinematography is sick, mayans in the jungle, some pretty graphic scenes, def doesnt hold back (esp the scene with the guy losing to a black jaguar)

Knocked up - 6/10

FYI, DONT go see this with a girl. Here’s exactly what I said leaving the theater;

“Ya know Marie, I was gonna invite you and your friend over my place for a drink or 5, but I think I’m just gonna go home and sleep with a pillow between my legs”

lol , fuckin’ movie

Transformers 9/10. Would have been a 10 if Megan Fox got naked.