The last movie you've seen, and rate it.


you can tell a lot about a person by the type f movie they like.

i just watched pi.

it fucking rules.


I love that movie and the soundtrack.

Dead Silence - 4/10 and I think that is being generous. The movie was pretty stupid.

Shooter - 7/10 a good action flick. Nothing that hasn’t been done before. Lots of explosions and dudes getting shot in the head.

For some reason I kinda liked dead silence, but those 2 dudes need to stick to making more Saws…5/10.

Shooter. 7.5

Suprised how good it was. Quite violent, and none of that, “If you kill them you only become as bad as them” bullshit.

1408 7/10

saw alot of bad reviews on it… so didn’t go in expecting much. Was actually pretty decent as far as horror movies go

knocked up…5 outta 10

Dog Day Afternoon. 9/10

Al Pacino did a fantastic job with this movie,one of his best.A classic.


I love that movie and the soundtrack.

Dead Silence - 4/10 and I think that is being generous. The movie was pretty stupid.

Shooter - 7/10 a good action flick. Nothing that hasn’t been done before. Lots of explosions and dudes getting shot in the head.


dead silence was crap. you were very generous on the 4…

Die Hard 4

Awesome movie.



2/10 - so bad I couldn’t even get through all 2 1/2 hours of it and fell asleep is was so boring.

CSA: The Confederate States of America

A Faux documentary about American history from the end of the civil war to the present, assuming the south had won the war.

So amazing. Never heard the word “jigaboo” used so many times.



CSA: The Confederate States of America

A Faux documentary about American history from the end of the civil war to the present, assuming the south had won the war.

So amazing. Never heard the word “jigaboo” used so many times.



Sounds interesting.


dead silence was crap. you were very generous on the 4…


Yeah, I just liked Donnie Walberg’s character. He doesn’t seem like the same douche he was in New Kids on the Block.

transformers- 9/10

28 weeks later


illogical and makes me dizzy, luckily it was only 50 cents.

You Kill Me


Some great one-liners and Ben Kingsley was great.


Sounds interesting.


yea that def does

im gonna watch “City of God” tonite…

The Astronaut Farmer.

Not a bad movie,a little dragged out but the ending was good.I liked it and it was better than I expected it to be.


City Of God - 9/10 - the way it was filmed was great, the story of kids in the slums of rio de janiero, and how they survive either by, selling drugs, or guns, etc…and choices made by some to get out… plus its based on a true story and narrated by a guy who became a photographer woRd… its in portugese, subtitled in english of course

A Chink in the Armor 8/10

very well done… a decent amount of comedy mixed with some facts. I give it two :tup: Had me loling last night

Hostel. 7/10

Not your average horror movie,nice T&A,I think the ending really made it shine.TONS of gore but it wasn’t as bad as people made it out to be.

I cant believe I had this movie in my collection for close to a year now and never got around to watching it,lol.