The last video game you played, and rate it

Taking a twist on the movie thread, since the majority of people these days tend to enjoy a video game from time to time…

I’m currently playing Borderlands (on PC). It’s a first person shooter/action rpg that’s been, so far, pretty fun. Basically you pick 1 of 4 characters to play, then go do missions for people in a post-apocalyptic world setting. It has a Diablo-feel to it, based on the skill trees and loot style. The graphics are…unique, artsy i guess. More cartoonish than realism.

It has a multiplayer aspect that is supposed to be great, but I haven’t (can’t) tried it yet.

that’s a great video review…

So far, it’s about 7/10 for me.

Tony hawk 1. I am pissed you can’t manual in that game.
Halo 3:ODST
Console: Xbox 360
Type: Shooter

Good game. Campaign was alot better than the Halo 3’s but, was shorter. Enemies seamed to be more interactive, and fight back more. Firefight mode could have been put together better and be given more vehicles to use besides a Warthog and, Chopper(Wraith are there if you know how to get them).

Rating would be a 7.5/10
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Console: Xbox 360
Type: RPG

Good game. If anyone has played previous Silent Hill games, I would highly recommend it. Not to far into it yet but hoping to get the tradition back for playing and beating it in one day from start to finish. Things tend to jump out just like previous games.

Rating would be a 5/10(as of now, update upon completion)
Beautiful Katamari
Console: Xbox 360
Type: ???

If you like anime you will like this. Basically you roll around any collect anything you can ti make your ball(katamari) bigger. All around fun game, online gaming is fun also most players you can have is 4 or 8 I believe.

Rating would be a 8.8/10

i beat the original bioshock last night. im pretty far behind on this whole video game thing

it was fun though

Little Big Planet (PSP)
Not too bad of a game. Better than what i was expecting. Sort of sonys version of mario.
8.2/10 so far

Katamari is awesome, i don’t play ever, but my friend got me playing that for a few hours a while back. considering i’m no authority i’d give it 7-8/10

Forza 3 (360)

The game is a lot of fun and I’m enjoying the cars they’re releasing for DLC. The GT-R SpecV is pretty sick. Wish they’d release Watkins Glen.

Red Faction Guerilla (PS3) 7/10…pretty cool game…very challenging

I play Socom (online) for PS3

I cant wait to get back from Europe to start gaming again… Ill probably bu hung up on MW2, NHL10 and FIFA10

But sadly the last game I was playing was Fallout 3.


PITFALL. It was in 1987 and it was great. 10/10.

i was introduced to some slide map on CS:Source… oh man… fucking hooked

Forza 3
Console: Xbox 360
Type: Racing

If you like racing games and own a 360 this game is for you. The quality of the graphics in this game are amazing in all aspects. Over 400 vehicles to race with. By far one of the best racing games yet.

Rating: 9.5/10

Call Of Duty MW2 (PC)

I told my friend to buy me this game jokingly, but he didn’t hesitate at all and bought it for me. I have it for PS3 but I’m better on the PC.


xbox 360
NHL10 8/10
Dirt2 9/10

Playing it on 360 now, usually I play online shooters on the PC but I said why the hell not and gave it a shot (lol, no pun).

Fun game!


Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PC-beta & PS3-demo)

PS3 version - 8/10
PC version - 9.5/10

This game is amazing. plaing and simple. All the graphics of MW2 with the destructibility of the frostbite engine and the teamwork aspect of battlefield. This game is awesome.

When you are racing someone two-player (non-online) - can you view the replay afterwards? I have Forza 2 and this absolutely drives me up the wall.

I’d buy 3 if you could do this, ha.

Yes, Pitfall rocked out. Solid game.

I’m playing -
• Modern Warfare 2 for X360. If you loved the first one, you’ll love the second even more. 9/10.

• IL2 Sturmovik: 1946 for PC: 10/10 if you love flight simulators. Simply fantastic game.

Preordered my copy for PC

Forza 3 - 9/10
Mario 3 for SNES - 10/10 until the dog tripped over the cord and the saved game was deleted :frowning: