The life of a tuner enthusiast...

life of a tuner. dump tons of your life savings into a old vehicle that does not hold its value. if a house was a car. we wuld all be rich. money pit that never gets full. and when it does (car modded to your aspect) someone presses the dam toilet button and flushes it empty (engine blowing …etc). so its a never ending cycle.

good side? u are enjoying blowing ur pay cheque and u feel like its christmas all over agn. you enjoy driving your car (call it spirited driving or some ppl are just reckless), its more then a A to B vehicle.

modding cars is definitely a money pit and you NEVER get back what you invested.

the more you mod your car, the more it depreciates. no one will fully want the car you build because everyone has different tastes.

if you see how many people who have modded their cars, and then have tried to sold it, you ALWAYS see the final price that they sold it at (if they sell it) to be well below $2,000-5000 of what they asked the begin with.

well its probably not the same as yours.
I love the feeling of driving my car & knowing what I have done makes a difference in the enjoyment of my ride.

trying to find decent laptops with serial ports.

HP NC series notebooks… I HAD truck loads of them… great tuner notebook. 17" screen centrino SERIAL PORT! :slight_smile:

we need one. you buy team JTC one. plz.

well i know it sucks when ever i do go to a track event like cscs at tmp, when you leave opp are everywhere…and not just to prevent speeding. They give you the most BS tickets ever.

Here is a video I made a while back. On the same lines of what your writing about. But it has a pretty big contradiction in the end. :slight_smile:

Sick Video man… Deffiently cool topic to write on.

I like it!

addded to favorites! sick video!~

off topic, but anyone know the wheel hp ratings of a) ka 240, and a b) sr silvia ? i like to compare dyno readings when i know the stock wheel hp, instead of looking at the mis leading crank hp

Depends on which KA you’re looking at. KA24E or KA24DE. As well, which SR you’re looking at. The SR20DET from the S13, S14, or S15.

…for real?

Nice Vid bro! Nice ride too! Nice and clean and simple!

yeah for real, all i know are the factory ratings with is not wheel. so im curious as what the stock wheel hp, of either dohc or sohc, both would be nice, as well as the s13 sr.

^^^ Not trying to be rude or anything it was just sooooo off topic, and could have possibly spawned a large amount of further off topic questions… I thought you would have started your own thread for something like that, but clearly I assumed the worst for no reason lol

yeah ill just start a thread…

oh i have one to add, mis leading internet information :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice Vid.

Did that s13 in the vid have a Ca?