So listing it on a list isn’t the same as listing it now?
So listing it on a list isn’t the same as listing it now?
I’m sorry but there IS a litmus test when it comes to the supreme court. If you want to overturn Roe v Wade, GTFO.
After reading all of this with too many posts to quote I’ll just chime in.
I honestly don’t really like either candidate. But Obama has handled himself WAY better then McCain and Palin in interviews, he can actually have a conversation about his ideas, where the other two either sound like they are reading a script or are just dancing around the issues until they say something from every view to get everyone on their side.
Moving past that on to the actual topic. I absolutely support guns. I am on the fence with registration processes, and I don’t support the ban of any gun. When I was 10 I thought guns were evil. Then I started learning the real history of the world, and if it held true in any country it should hold true here. We have a government that we put trust into to run as a representative of its people. We had a totalitarian control until enough of us broke away in these colonies and freed ourselves from that. It wasn’t a foreign invasion, it was our own government telling us to do things that just weren’t right. ( I understand at the time we were all foreigners but lets ignore the Native Americans… we do anywaysarcasm) So we took arms, it was how we knew to defend ourselves, and no amount of tree hugging was going to end it. This is the main reason that was included in the constitution.
Aside from the paranoia of our own government, past all the BS our government and the media feed us, there are people that don’t like us, there are people we don’t like.
We could save a whole lot of government spending if we brought the troops home and armed ourselves. Honestly if we grow up with a respect for weapons, we wont fear them as much. Hijacking would be far more riskier for the hijackers then the people on the plane (I’m not saying a gun is a good idea on a plane, but if they had something we wouldn’t be pissing our pants facing a weapon)
I hate NY State gun regulations, its obnoxious. They are some of the tightest in the country. I would love to have a P90 or two… I <3 those. It is my government, I technically own those guns. Instead we are letting them own us.
Besides its only the illegal guns that cause most problems and regulating the legal ones isn’t going to do a damned thing to stop that.
Sorry if this post is a bit ADD, I’m not really taking the time to proof read it so some statements may have come out wrong. Any disagreements, feel free to debate cleanly.
My stance with Obama and this issue is the same as Jay’s with McCain and abortion. My view’s are probably closer to the other guy’s, but with such an important election, there are MUCH bigger things to worry about.
woops, I forgot to comment about the NRA’s statements. I saw a several page ad in a gun magazine about it. I was at my girls great grandfathers place and there was a split view on it. half thought he was the scum of the earth, half thought that it was complete mud slinging. I read the bullet points and none of them sound unreasonable for a democrat. But that doesn’t make Obama scum. Just means that someone needs to talk to him intelligently about guns. Explain to him exactly why we like them, or at least need them.
On the NRA, while they have valid points some times, the absolutely lack tact and class. While I support guns, I don’t support the NRA. They are over the top and some members have lost touch with reality. (I understand every group has its bad eggs, but the NRA seems to push them to the top)
Who gives a shit what the NRA thinks.
And I agree you should not be allowed to purchase automatic weapons. And regulations should be placed on manufacturers to make thier rifles much more difficult to modify into an automatic weapon.
Shotguns, Pistols and Rifles are fine with me but no one other than the police and military should be allowed to buy or be able to modify a weapon to shoot multiple rounds at a time.
Thats what I believe and you can not convince me otherwise.
PS: I love to shoot rifles and shotties and target shoot with my father-in-laws pistols.
:headbang: finally someone who gets it :tup: Of all the legally obtained and registered fully automatic guns owned in the us, only 1 has been used in a crime and that was by a COP!!!
I’ve never fired a weapon. I’ve fired plenty of fire arms though. An object is only a weapon when used as such to harm someone. A shovel is a weapon if you use it as one. Otherwise a gun is just something to make bullets go really fucking fast.
This shit is funny :rubicant:
Honestly I would much rather be concerned about bigger issues
Over 4 million NRA members.
And probably 3 times that in gun rights supporters who aren’t members.
But just keep pissing on “those rednecks clinging to their religion and guns” while at the same time wondering why your guy polls so poorly outside the city limits.
And here is where we find the line in the sand.
Since firearms are designed to kill and have very little function outside of that, that makes them a weapon.
Anything can be made into a weapon. I could kill you with a pen, but that doesn’t make all pens weapons because it serves a function other than stabbing a person in the neck.
I consider a sword a weapon because it is designed for combat. Although a butcher knife which is similiar to a sword in that they both can cut and stab is not a weapon because it has a function outside of killing.
If a device is designed for combat its a weapon, regardless of how its used.
If a device is not designed for combat but is used to harm someone then it becomes a weapon.
I AGREE with Joe on the ISSUES. Since I live in one of the biggest Pro-NRA/Guns state in the Country (Florida) I will assure you that Obama, when elected President, will not overturn gun laws or go on a mad gun banning spree. I think 21 is a reasonable age to get a LICENSE with proper training before buying a handgun, I see no problem with that at all as responsible and fair gun control measure. (and I own 2 handguns myself, I am not just giving a 'left or liberal opinion on this issue).
I also agree with Joe that McCain would not be able to overturn Roe v. Wade, even with a mostly conservative Supreme Court. I had studied Roe v Wade in depth while doing my law undergrad in college, and it should stand the test of time.
Boy, our military will have to get older I guess.:gotme:
This is regarding private ownership of guns, not military use. There is a HUGE difference between a soldier wielding an M16 in combat and your redneck 18 year old neighbor using one to shoot squirrels!!
Oh, OK, so they can die for their country BUT, they can’t own guns?
By the same token like 3/4 of martial arts weapons are actually just farm equipment
Which shows how much you really know about guns. The M16 is the same thing as an AR-15. The only differance is one is fully auto and the other is semi auto. Same with the AK-47 and the SKS. One is military, the other civilian. They are the exact same thing with the exception of rate of fire, but if you’re good and have a quick trigger finger, it can be just as fast.
Oh and the military also uses hunting riffles and shotguns…does this mean we cant either?
You had to take a training class and pass a test before you were legally allowed to drive an automobile BECAUSE OF THE DANGER OF CARELESS/POOR USE OF THEM. Same thing applies to guns. If you want that penis enlarger then you should be able to be trained on how to use it properly.
and you do? the AR-15 is actually the name Armalite gave to the gun Eugene Stoner developed which later became the M16 when the military adopted it. It was selectable fully auto/semi auto. the SKS and AK47 are completely different rifles but happen to shoot the same cartridge. The SKS was issued to Soviet soldiers shortly after WWII but was quickly replaced by the AK47 a couple years later. I own both an M4A3 (M16 carbine) and an AK47 which are both fully auto when in military trim. the rifles name designation dont change in civilian form just the way it fires.
such as the hunter safety course that you have to take before you can get your hunting license?