The official parking lot assholes thread

You’re right the Camaro is forgiven.

I’m going to start parking worse, just to see if I end up in this thread :smiley:

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Some asshole in Miami at the Tesla charging stations lol

I also cut this old couple slack because the guy must have been 85. It was parked comically bad.

He parked at the entry of two spots. One handicapped and one regular.

Edit: just noticed the front end damage.
Maybe he should not be driving…
(Or maybe why his wife was on the passenger side :wink:)

So, did you try the fish fry at Dash’s?

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I did not! But I haven’t forgotten.

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I feel this is also worth noting for parking sins.

I’ve done this and worse.

I managed to hook the front air dam on my terrain enough to dent the fender and stop the drivers door from opening.

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i always return my cart to the corral except when i see this. Then it ends up conveniently at your drivers door.



i either heard on a podcast or read somewhere that there’s a direct correlation to workplace performance/average pay and whether or not someone returns their cart :laughing:

I could see that correlation honestly. It’s definitely a simple litmus test to see if you’re a piece of shit or not. If I had some way to verify if it was true or not I’d love to ask that question when interviewing potential hires. “He was doing good until I saw he just leaves his shopping cart where ever, so fuck that guy”.

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I’m going to start asking in job interviews “do you return your shopping cart?” Of course everyone will say yes, but there will be that one person who lies and goes home to self contemplate. Possibly even change their ways.



that wouldn’t be a bad question to ask

A better question to ask is “do you remove valve stem cores from parking lot assholes?”


i need to add that tool to my glovebox :slight_smile:



saw this on reddit and printed a bunch out to leave in my glovebox



Me out in OK representing Lockport in my slow ass rental.

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