The "Oil Prices" thread.

Ok, I was just parroting Mitch McConnell.
I will tell him you said he was wrong.:stuck_out_tongue:
JayS 2008!!!

Interesting read:

If it closes under $130, like it is now, I am going to lay down some serious rubber tonight.

And there in lies the problem. If gas prices drop, everyone uses more, and prices go back up.

I’d like to see $3 regular unleaded come back. It’s still high enough that people bitch and want to cut back, they still worry that if it goes up more they won’t be able to afford it so they buy reasonable vehicles, but it doesn’t weigh so heavily on the economy.

shit, you are right. We need to rally the tree huggers to buy more priuses so that can offset the fuel consumed by my hairy burnouts.

Now you’re thinking. :slight_smile:

i lol’d

:slight_smile: oil is going down and silver is staying steady. Win-Win for me.

Never thought I’d be happy to see oil in the $120’s. Oh well. It’ll probably end the week at $150.

yeah but what sucks is it could stay in the $120’s for a week and gas prices would still not really change. :tdown:


Anyone want to make a wild ass guess what it does tomorrow?


I hope:cool:

But honestly who knows…

$129.90!!! oh noes!!

Light, sweet crude for August delivery fell $5.31 to settle at $129.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Burnout pics or ban. :slight_smile:

I will need a camera man but might be able to pull through on that

I’ll come film.

I live in NC

I’ll drive a mile if you drive the rest of the way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Prices are holding fairly steady today :tup:

$128.34 right now…