The putting your bike away thread. *Updated for Mordak*

Stabil FTW! Last year I put some in, put the battery on the trickle charger, and that was that. No stands, left the oil change til Spring time, and just started it up a few times over the winter. Would have done more to look after it had I not been away at school.

put stabil in, THEN add fuel… edit the first post.

Good to know…but those little bottles of that Stabil stuff at Advance Auto says “1 container per 15 or 20 gallons.” So what should i do for a 3.5 gallon tank…just a tablespoon full? lol.

And my dad’s bike is a 2000 with 50K+ miles on it, and never once any issue…

I just put the whole can in, served me well!

fucking fags, riding 200 miles this weekend down to the southerntier

There are measurements on the side of the bottle. I think its one ounce per 2.5 gallons.

I drained the tank on my bike, ran the carbs dry and put it on its center stand, havent pulled the battery yet.

I plan to pull the battery and have it on a tender and cover the bike. I assume running it completely dry isnt bad? its just harder in the spring?

Also I have never changed the oil on a bike, but it cant be much harder than on a car.

I ride a 1979 Suzuki 750GS-E

Should I put gloves on my bar ends to keep them from getting too cold? What about these tire warmers, they’re for winter storage right? Where can I get them locally? Should I put sta-bil in my oil?

Yes, all of the above. You are on a roll, how did the OP forget all those… seem like common sense to me

After all of that be sure to do a full exhaust flush. Start your bike and shove a hose into the exhaust end. Turn hose on full pressure. When your bike stalls that means, that you have done the flush correctly.

I’ve heard you should put a cloth of some sort in your exhaust to prevent moisture being built up in your motor over winter. Agree with everything else, If you don’t have a front stand get a piece of carpet and roll your tire on it.

The cloth trick does help quite a bit. I stuffed the exhaust on my triple pretty well, barely any moisture when I pulled it out this season. I’m buying new tires in the spring anyways.

My bike is stored in a 70 degree heated garage…still need the stabil?

I doubt Phoenix305 will post in this thread, he’ll be riding all winter.

I’ve been riding to work this week :tup:

And yes, modorak, you still need stabil. Your fuel will break down over time regardless of temperature, plus stabil is only a few bucks… why not throw it in there?

It’s costs like $1.72. Better off just using it anyhow.

Thanks, will pick some up this weekend.

Probably hold off on oil change until Spring

Fill your tank. Emptying it will prevent gumming up your system with varnished gasoline, but filling it and adding stabil will do the same thing, plus keep oxygen off of the unpainted inside of your metal gas tank. :wink: Unless you squids have plastic tanks now? My bike knowledge pretty much is exclusive to Honda’ss and BMW’s from the 70’s and 80’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always let some air pressure out, put the bike up on the center stand, and rotated the front tire every once in a while. Armor-all’d the sidewalls to. Should help prevent dry-rot, which I believe is the point of letting air out. (So the rubber isn’t all stretched out, then gets cold and hard/brittle and starts cracking.) Shouldn’t really matter if you ride enough to wear out your tires in a couple of seasons or less.

I always changed my oil before storing. Why let all the acids in old oil eat at shit all winter?

Clean it too so your paint doesn’t get eaten, and so you don’t have to spend the first nice day cleaning rather than FINALLY riding again. :slight_smile: If you’re going to treat your seat material do it in the fall, not the spring unless you want to wind up sitting on your gas tank at every stop. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fuck I need a bike again. :cry:

You won’t.

Fry, what if your bike has no center stand…and only a rear stand like mine? Can I just move the bike around the garage once/week to keep the front tire in good condition?

I have no idea how to change oil… if any pros are willing to help change mine, I’ll toss ya some beer or $ if I don’t feel like learning how to do it myself