The R/T just took a fatal blow

damn your slow, I spun a bearing too about a week after you and was running the next week :lol: my damage was much worse than your though.

i had absolutely no clue what i was doing, and it was hard to get my friends coordintated to come hlep me (who did know what they were doing)

UPDATE: ok so i just got off the phone with the guy rebuilding my motor, and what i heard was NOT good. basically, he said he can re-machine the crank he THINKS and put some biegger bearings in it and it should be ok for a while. he said 4 of the rods were pretty out of round but he thinks he can save those as well. i was expecitng all of this so thats all fine and good.

heres where it gets interestng. he said the heads were warped extremely bad, and those need to be machined down and completely rebuilt with a few new valves. he said that he was amazed this thing actually started and ran and that the way it was and he still can;t figure out what caused this. he said it was prob fucked up from the factory or at least since '99 when the first head gasket took a shit and whoever replaced it did a shitty job and and headgaskets just continued to blow over time (which was most likely the case) and over time caused dammage to the bearings.

so the long and short of it, is my motor is really really fucked up and hes gonna fix it the cheap way, but do it the ‘right’ cheap way and he said the minute i get the motor back in and it starts up, put a for sale sign in the window and get rid of it. he also said it should be fine to drive normal but it prob ist the best idea foir me to really get on it a lot or anything.

I would never be happy with someone telling me “yeah I’m gonna put it back together for ya the cheap way, but you might wanna sell it RIGHT AWAY, cause if you get on it It’ll probably blow up again” Best piece of advice I can give you: FIX IT THE RIGHT WAY THE FIRST TIME. What if you end up having to keep it, your not gonna be happy with it being held together with duct tape.


i just sourced 2 motors. one has 100K on it and is $650 the other the place is going to get back to me on.