The Ricer in 2008:

Opinions are like assholes.
This is the 2nd time you’ve said this today. I’m sure you cant afford neither.

I’m sorry, but why would you say this?

already changed it, forgot the “N”

back to the brake comments…those brakes are plenty enough to stop that car on the street as long as its not being raced on the street. as it been repeated Big huge brakes are really only effective when temps get hot on a roadcourse…the car may loose a bit of clamping power by having smaller pistons up front, but coupled with good pads and the weight savings alone they are perfect for this application

Thank you!

ugh, I was mearly pointing out that the guys comment about an Evo/Sti making no sense being completely retarded.




I can’t believe people are counting doors to figure out what a heavy car is. many sedans weigh less their their coupe version.

old 2.5rs has less power and weights more than a VW rabbit which you can get new for 15K.

Hello and welcome to 12 posts ago.


Im not sure what the brake swap involves, but if its just brackets, calipers and rotors, ball out and get a set of Staubli brake line disconnects to swap the calipers (ie: without bleeding). Then you could have a nice street setup and a track setup.

Either way car looks good.

EDIT: It would “only” add about 600 bux to the swap… haha


again that brake setup will be more than fine for everyday driving and track commutes…it looks like atleast a 4 piston caliper and 12" rotor up front…which fine for DD purposes

I completely understand the concept of running small brakes for weight reduction and being able to run slicks…

I just laugh after the comments made about the brake fade and not being able to stop at the end of the 1/4…then downgrading to drag brakes…

YA KNOW…thats what I am sayin

Many different things contribute to brake fade. Maybe my pads sucked? I dont know. You are missing one key point here, The car will weight alot less this year and in turn will stop alot easier. If brake fade was not something that happens in one stop why would you have to run a parachute at 150 mph?

I could be wrong here. I dont try to be an expert on brakes or road racing. If it sounds like I have the wrong idea of brake fade please let me know. Im always up to learn somthing.

Because 4000lb cars are going 150+mph with TINY TINY brakes and TINY TINY front tires that simply can’t stop the weight in the small amount of runoff. 165 width (maybe less?) tires that are designed to be as light as possible aren’t going to generate shit for friction to stop a huge car.

And, actually, a friend runs his 4000lb Chevelle to 150mph passes on slicks and skinnies and doesn’t have problems stopping. Sure, it has a chute, but they only deploy it a couple times a year to make sure everything is functioning. Maybe he’s running tracks with tons of shutdown area, but they run pretty fast with the car and stop with brakes as small or smaller than what you have. What does that mean here? Fucked if I know, but it’s some perspective.

Emery you are right…you wont get large amounts of fade from Drag racing and they will have plenty of time for cooling between runs. You will still have plenty of stopping power for DD purposes…and the fact the car weighs a lot less will also big a big factor in preventing fade in DD applications during the summer…Dont worry I think its a great choice for this particular cars purposes

Emery your brakes arnt tiny and you are not using tiny tires and the car doesnt weight 4000lbs and you will be running 4 sticky as shit slicks…its perfectly fine

No shit, I was commenting about 'chutes, not his setup.