Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

  1. Then don’t bitch about the times I ran.
  2. Then don’t bitch about me saying it’d be pointless to spray. If you’re so “run what ya brung” then you should stop using excuses.
  3. Cost means anything? Really? That’s an excuse Honda newbs use.
  4. Same as #2.

Once I have it out, I’ll drive it for a month or so then it’s getting sold due to a priority shift. But if you’re so gung-ho on beating me, take your car to Lime Rock or Watkins Glen then we’ll compare times. I’ll use my lowly M3. You may beat me at something I don’t care about, and I may beat you at something you don’t care about. At the end of the day, I prolly couldn’t care less that we beat each other at things the other isn’t good at.