The Road Rage/Street Stories Thread

Share/vent it all here. :smiley:

Here it is, from the other thread:
Corolla was still being broken in, so I didnā€™t want to take it above 120. He got stuck behind me (god forbid not being able to drive faster than 120ā€¦) b/c there was a transport beside us, and for some reason believed that this was a mortal sin. (again, god forbid he slowed the fuck down, and went AROUND the transport). Anyway, after we pass the transport, he changes lanes, and instead of continuing to drive in his empty lane, he changes lanes INTO me. Thereā€™s a big difference between getting cut off and what he did, b/c when someone cuts you off, they put their vehicle infront of yours, he put his IN mine. I had to slam on the brakes and go onto the paved shoulder to avoid him, he literally ran me off the road. I then caught him to give him the finger, and he tried this again. Had it not been a new car, I wouldā€™ve been seriously tempted to hit his van in the rear quarter, like I do in GT3 when I want to cause my opponent to spin out


oh shit thatā€™s serious. i cant believe he did it a second time too. you shouldve taken down his license plate.

When I did my fleet training to drive city vehicles, they handed out little forms that allow you to report bad drivers annonymously. I think I still have them, but you basically write down where the bad driving was seen, and the license plate, and the police send the person a warning letter. If the same person gets three letters, a cop visits them and monitors their car.

Haha, to be honest, I donā€™t think the cops give a damn. If I was in an older car, I woulda done a little bit of vigilante justice, but it wasnā€™t my car, had only like 500km on the odo at that point, and it wouldā€™ve been pretty bad to start it off that way. I heard a week later on the news that some van owner got shot in the head for cutting another guy off, so I secretly hoped it was the same guy :smiley:

I really wish I could just copy and paste all my rage stories straight from my headā€¦ I really doā€¦ but I just cant.

I think I see a new years resolutionā€¦

alesserrage ā€¦reborn!! haha

Haha Iā€™ve got one of those!! I framed it and put it up on my wall. :cool:

Well I guess I should go tooā€¦

ā€“ My first car (red Nissan Pulsar 5spd SE) was totalled when a 16-year old driver who was new to the country with no license or insurance ran a red

ā€“ I too, Solarian, have been run off the road - on more than one occasion, by people not paying attention when changing lanes

ā€“ My brother had an ā€œSUV ladyā€ glide into his lane (not paying attention), he honked, she kept going until there was no room left and she finally scraped his carā€¦

We all have our little mini-mistakes on the road here and there and what not, but wowā€¦some people just donā€™t watch AT ALL when driving!

It bugs me when vehicles glide into your lane. Then when you honk, they get all upset, like you should move out of there way. WTF? arggggg

I can remember once in Brampton driving Luckyā€™s Sil-40 there was a cough cough brown guy driving an accord, at a stop light I got to roll down his window, and I said;

Me- ā€œSir, ALL your brake lights are burnt outā€
Guy- ā€œFK you, finger motion FK youā€
Me - ā€œYour brake lights are out, someone is going to rear end youā€
Guy ā€œF**k you etc etcā€

^sad part is, had he been rear ended the lights would have been smashed anyway and no one would have know he was partially at fault.

i give people shit daily, give people the finger weekly.


because im always right and my cars faster.

thus, i can do whatever i please.

That may have been his plan. Too cheap to replace the bulbs so he may as well, let insurance or someone else replace them when they rear ended him. XD, not such a bad idea unless youā€™re driving on the highway.

Sometimes, what other people see as ridiculous, reckless, and dangerous is a daily, absolutely safe thing to others. Just like some people are afraid of flying, the chances of dying in an airplane are thousands of times less than riding in a taxi or commuting by your car to work. Its exactly the same as people who are doing 5km/h down a snowy on-ramp while some other people like me slide around them on the shoulder and the whole way down. But some people rather just not take the risk, and that is why they flip out when they see it, because there is always a risk.

This is tame for Niagara. Itā€™s common to be given the finger when they cut you off or do something stupid, not the other way around. I call it the pre-emptive strike with the soul purpose to flabbergast the other driver into giving no response.

As a rage story, my wife was hit in St. Catharines on an off-ramp. I sped home to comfort my wife and in the process pissed someone off. This person chased me from Highway 20 on the QEW to Victoria Ave just outside of Beamsvilleā€¦ We hit and sustained speeds over the posted limit and multiple times he drove on the shoulder becuase i braked hardā€¦

This KILLS me!

The only time these drivers are ā€œdefensiveā€ is when theyā€™re in the wrong and called out!

Some people need to swallow their pride and say sorry when having made a mistakeā€¦after all, weā€™re all human and sharing the same roads! :lol:

Quoted for truth! KA-T = win.

2 dumasses Dec 24 almost hit me as they were side by side and ran the red ā€¦ i was doing a left turn and started to go since light hit redā€¦ and they were pretty far from the light and stoppableā€¦ but they both freaking floored it and i had to slam on my 1st gear like no tomorowā€¦

another time was WOMEN just dont know how to driveā€¦ she totallaly didnt look at blind spot and shifted from stopped middle lane to my lane on a red light as i was stopping on the right lane i accelerated to the bus lane or she wulda hit my poor 240sx

DAM women should take the test 2 times

I hate most drivers on the road in Toronto. Outside of Toronto, most are good, and polite.

My current pet pev at the moment is people tail-gating me in the slow lain on the highway. Ok, my winter beater struggles over 110, so I usually do a constant 110-115 in the slow lain. Well, people come flying up to my behind and sit thereā€¦like Iā€™m suppose to move into the middle lain to let them by. Get a clue, Iā€™m doing 110 in the SLOW LANE ASSHOLE.


On my way to scarborough today, on the 404. the carpool lane had 1 guy in a windstar going 110. =.=