hard for me to compare our situation up here. We dont get to write off mortgage interest up here (unless its on an investment property) and i’m paying about $10k in property tax alone for my two places in Ontario.
I have it worse than anyone. I live in Cheektowaga Sloan, bought my house for 120K, 1025 sq. ft., pay $6900 a year.
Derp on my part.
DING DING DING, we have a winner.
Holy shit that’s an insane rate. $6900 a year is about a 620k assessment in CA. Sad part is it’s still probably smaller than your place.
I do think that was fair. NY, CA, and NJ are huge over-contributors to the federal budget. They put in many more billions than they draw out. Low-tax red states draw out much more than they put in and depend more on the federal gov’t to make ends meet. Now the gap just got much worse.
Doesn’t California have like the second highest sub-sovereign debt next to Ontario? Maybe that is not mutually exclusive with being an over-contributor to the Federal budget I guess.
Bing, here’s a good well-researched reddit posting on the subject. It’s even in CAD so you can understand
- California’s 2018-2019 budget spends $138 billion USD ($182 billion CAD), and California has a population of 39.5 million people. That’s a spending of $4,608/person (in CAD).
- Texas’ 2018-2019 budget spends $217 billion USD ($287 billion CAD), and Texas has a population of 28.3 million people. That’s a spending of $10,141/person (in CAD).
- Florida’s 2017-2018 budget spends $89 billion USD ($118 billion CAD), and Florida has a population of 21 million people. That’s a spending of $5,619/person (in CAD).
- New York’s 2018-2019 budget spends $98 billion USD ($130 billion CAD), and New York has a population of 19.8 million people. That’s a spending of $6,566/person (in CAD).
- America’s 2018-2019 federal budget spends $4.1 trillion USD ($5.4 trillion CAD), and America has a population of 325.7 million people. That’s a spending of $16,580/person (in CAD).
America’s federal debt = $22,500 billion USD ($29,710 billion CAD)
America’s GDP = $18,600 billion USD ($24,560 billion CAD)
America’s federal debt-to-GDP ratio = 121%
California’s state debt = $153.6 billion USD ($202.8 billion CAD)
California’s state GDP = $2,600 billion USD ($3,433.8 billion CAD)
California’s state debt-to-GDP ratio = 5.9%
California’s share of US population = 12.1%
California’s share of US federal debt = $2,722.5 billion USD ($3,595.5 billion CAD)
California’s total adjusted debt = $2,876.1 billion USD ($3,797.65 billion CAD)
California’s adjusted debt-to-GDP ratio = 110.6%
Texas’ state debt = $52 billion USD ($68.7 billion CAD)
Texas’ state GDP = $1,600 billion USD ($2,110 billion CAD)
Texas’ state debt-to-GDP ratio = 3.3%
Texas’ share of US population = 8.7%
Texas’ share of US federal debt = $1,957.5 billion USD ($2,584.7 billion CAD)
Texas’ total adjusted debt = $2,009.5 billion USD ($2,653.4 billion CAD)
Texas’ adjusted debt-to-GDP ratio = 125.6%
Florida’s state debt = $34.4 billion USD ($45.4 billion CAD)
Florida’s state GDP = $926 billion USD ($1,222.7 billion CAD)
Florida’s state debt-to-GDP ratio = 3.7%
Florida’s share of US population = 6.4%
Florida’s share of US federal debt = $1,440 billion USD ($1,901.4 billion CAD)
Florida’s total adjusted debt = $1,474.4 billion USD ($1,946.8 billion CAD)
Florida’s adjusted debt-to-GDP ratio = 159.2%
New York’s state debt = $139.6 billion USD ($184.3 billion CAD)
New York’s state GDP = $1,500 billion USD ($1,980 billion CAD)
New York’s state debt-to-GDP ratio = 9.3%
New York’s share of US population = 6.1%
New York’s share of US federal debt = $1,372.5 billion USD ($1,812.3 billion CAD)
New York’s total adjusted debt = $1,512.1 billion USD ($1,996.6 CAD)
New York’s adjusted debt-to-GDP ratio = 100.8%
California actually spends much less per person in the state budget than red states with no state income tax, even though the state brings in much more. The state government finances are in excellent shape. We have a younger population and pay all these federal taxes that end up in red states.
Yeah, CA’s in great shape. The word “unsustainable” only comes up all the time.
Let’s see how it shakes out. We continue to pull in the best and brightest from around the US and the people who leave because of the high costs are generally those who can’t hack it. Of the 4 issues there, water is the biggest one and I agree that Newsom needs to get our shit together in that dept when he comes in. Need to put all of these innovators to work there figuring that out. As for the others, it’s all right-wing rhetoric from a political hack that used to run the Republican Party. Blah blah blah, government is always the problem, everything should be for profit. The new economic titans are run out of CA. If there was any merit to the argument that high taxes drive out the job creators, you’d see Apple and Google and Facebook leaving for Kansas or something. Despite the high taxes, doesn’t look like they’re going anywhere.
yo do we need a paris riots thread?
i have a feeling we are not getting nearly the whole story on whats going on over there.
the only things you can find are assertions that it is carbon tax related.
It hasn’t seemed to be in the news much. What little I’ve read I can kind of see why because France basically went 100% opposite of Trump and it’s blowing up their faces. That’s not a story the MSM wants in the headlines.
crazy what is going on over there and sad that the only place you can get real insight is r/the_donald… here’s a few:
^ A great explanation of the events leading up to what is currently happening over there.
There’s also a video of police standing down and removing their helmets basically surrendering to protesters.
France to suspend fuel taxes that sparked riots.
Interesting what kind of message that’s going to send. Burn down Paris, get what you want?
Yet again, France surrenders.
I guess the money will just come from somewhere else!
Raise taxes to reduce carbon emissions. The mental gymnastics never cease to amaze me.
Tim Cook says this, now Apple iPhone users can’t see the Trump meme thread on here
If the only free speech is the speech you agree with it’s hardly free speech.
The Trump meme thread is crashing on my iPhone as well. Crashes Safari and Chrome.
I’m not tinfoil hat on this one; it’s likely an odd Apple related bug. Fortunately this forum software has a very responsive and hands-on support community. If it persists for more than a day I’ll contact them and see if they have any idea.
Also worth noting that other large threads with images load fine, it’s just that one thread doesn’t work.
Yeah, I don’t believe it’s Apple blocking it. Do we have any other threads that have THIS many images though?