The UB student that was shot recently...

It’s pretty clear where UB thinks it’s students should be living. Drive around the lakes at UB North and think about what that used to look like 10 years ago. Drive up and down Sweet Home and think about what that looked like 10 years ago. UB has given the students plenty of safe areas to live in, but some of them want to live closer to the city.

Guess what, when you live in or right on the border of a city with a big gang and drug problem nothing the school can do is going to make you safe.

I am ALL FOR more DT apartments/lofts. More people need to live in the city.

Saturday at PURE. No under 21 for guys 1 person kicked out for being too drunk
Friday at PURE, 18+, Thursday at PURE 18+ - 3 or 4 people got booted for various reasons.

Yes I know the broskis cause problems (they really don’t in comparision to the white trash drug dealer ego type you see at Subzero across the street. Which is so much entertainment for me :slight_smile:

UB has the ability and somewhat the responsability for upkeep in a neighborhood they are well invested in. They by all means could start throwing some weight around. Giving up to gangs and trash is just rediculous.

I used to think it’s a double standard…but it’s true…

guys under the age of 21, mix in liqour…young sluts, and music…it’s a perfect formula for a fight.

I’m never about fights…especially when i’m drinking…but it sucks that 80% of the downtown crowd,is.

I completely agree. UB should develop the main street area. The largest problem is their budget … it comes from the state :frowning:

Community help? would be interesting. Ugh I went to for a weekend one time, and their surrounding area is GORGEOUS!! like immediately off campus, gorgeous bars, great places to eat and hang out during the day.

I would love to see UB do something like that

UB’s job is education, not helping kids rent houses closer to the downtown club scene. Policing neighborhoods and urban renewal is the job of the city and their police departments. When you look at the idiots the city residents elect to run the city it’s no big surprise the problems Buffalo has. The city council is full of tax cheats and deadbeat landlords.

If anything, since the city isn’t doing it’s part to keep the area safe, UB should be advising their students NOT to live there, not trying to pressure more student housing in the area.

Bars should close at 2am. IMO there is no reason to stay open until 4am.

:picard: I cant agree with this at all.

When Canisius had this problem since they’re in the hood, they hired their own private police force to police the school and the off-campus housing in the area, as well as call boxes on all the corners. If we felt threatened, we called Public Safety and they were there in 30 seconds with 4 cars, not Buffalo PD that took days. UB has the same thing, on campus, but they need an increased presence in the surrounding neighborhood if they want students to live there. 5 blocks in any direction from CC is still the absolute hood, but the streets where students live are a lot safer by comparison.

The whole campus?!

Such a naive point of view.

The University is invested in the City of Buffalo, in a lot more ways then just student living. It isn’t a small campus that solely focuses on education. They have programs invested in area hospitals, a police task force, etc…

Universities as large as UB DO have an obligation to help the community. they also have the obligation to do what they can to keep their students safe. Nobody is going to attend a school that has a chunk of its campus smack dab in the middle of a ghetto. Don’t try to argue that canisius and buff state do just fine, cause they don’t grow NEARLY as much as UB does/has. As Joe has also pointed out, they do heavily police the area. Students live at South campus for MANY reasons. You cannot just ignore them and their safety because of it.

And it’s quite clear that they don’t.

Canisius is a lot different because they have one campus and it’s in the city. UB has the north and south campuses and it’s pretty clear from where all their development is being done which one they’d prefer to have students living around. They provide nice safe shuttles between the two so students can live near north and still easily get to south.

Naive is thinking that putting college kids on the front line of drug and gang area expansion is good idea. The city and it’s police have to take the first step with major crackdowns to drive that element out, then UB can be expected to do their part, not before. Their ultimate responsibility is the education and safety of their students, and they’re fulfilling that by offering them plenty of safe places to live.

They have DT medical locations too, if memory serves me right.

1, not a lot of students can afford the on-campus/sweethome apartments
2, there are many programs at UB that operate SOLELY from the south campus. Commuting on a bus everyday would be ridiculous, especially with a weird class schedule.

It is clear that UB prefer students live in Amherst. However, a lot of students don’t want to live there. The school needs to accommodate that. They also need to give back to the city.

edit: there is not PLENTY. There is a lottery system for an on-campus apartment. There are A TON more students then there are rooms in on-campus apartments.

Yeah, in the Buffalo-Niagara Medical Campus that the city has stepped up and made a decent area. UB didn’t move into that area until after Roswell, Hauptman-Woodward and the Buffalo-Niagara partnership made it a decent area.

Level the heights and build apartments already.

my point is that they are are huge player in this city and have a responsibility to it as well. building out crap cookie cutter apartment buildings that feel like tin boxes in the suburbs and overcharging for them is not the only option.

I’d be willing to bet there is way too much asbestos there to level it.

Those of you who honestly want to see real change in the area need to get off UB’s case and start pressuring the politicians. Get organized and find some candidates who aren’t a bunch of slumlord landlords and tax evaders with their hands in the back pocket of Byron Brown.

Sitting around bitching that “UB should fix it” isn’t going to change anything.