The UB student that was shot recently...

Yep, I agree. I’ve known some people that really just want to fuck shit up.

But where the landlords should be taking action, fixing property and evicting people, they just let it happen, banking on keeping the security deposit.

I don’t know. Students generally do THAT much damage. It is more that they just leave the place SUPER messy. They never clean, and always spill on carpets and shit. That is stuff that is easy to fix. The most things that will usually get broken is some doors/wall holes/light fixtures. All of those costs are offset by higher rents and a full month’s rent in security deposit.

Yep. most of them don’t even live around here. At least at CC, like 5 landlords owned most of the whole neighborhood. Only 2 of them were in-state. They were notorious for when one of the old residents would die, swooping in, lowballing the family to get rid of the house, with the offer to take care of everything. The families wouldn’t want to be bothered with selling a house in the hood, take the deal, and one more house would go down the drain.
EDIT: I’ve seen windows and shit get pretty fucked up from parties. As well as the yards are usually a disaster, and the lack of cleaning often leads to rat issues.

my father in law owns 2 rentals in “the heights”, used to own more-
hes gotten to the point that he will only rent to college students. mommy & daddy will pay the rent/damages. any “familys” that want to rent in that area only pay for a month or two, then totally trash the place before eviction. he says students tenents are getting harder & harder to find.

if every house was full of students you wouldn’t have alot of these robbings/shootings. its the trash thats moved from the west to the east across that area in the last 15-20 years…

when friends attended UB 10 years ago, those streets between Winspear & Lasalle were still mostly decent familys & students-
now its just ghetto w/ a couple student houses sprinkled around.
untill the area is made safer it’s only going to get worse as less students want to live there- i know i sure wouldn’t feel safe

when discussing purchasing rental props. i refuse to even consider that area, Hertal is much nicer/safer for a simiar investment.

Is it legal for a landlord to impose monthly inspections on properties? I know they have to give 24 hours of notice before coming to the house but I wonder if something can be put in the lease as well for a mandatory inspection. Seems like a PITA but it would stop a lot of shit from happening.


Well all speculation on my part but… I’m sure this started at MOJO as they are easily the most relaxed with ID. The 18-21 crowd is the biggest pain in the ass, especially when they are drinking.

Bars like 3rd Base (another bar that I work at) NEVER has problems, and we are strictly 21 and over. The last fight we had was some dude pushing another guy, and all I had to do is step in tell him he was leaving, and he respected that and left.

Also with the closing of Molly’s and PJ’s there isn’t enough emphasis for students to come down and enjoy themselves. Its just not in the focus of the students. It actually doesn’t surprise me when people at UB don’t know what 3rd Base on main street is, because of the lack of emphasis. and we have THE biggest night on tuesday nights.

With that said no new students want to move into the area. so the houses become vacant forcing the house owners to sell their house a different way. Which eventually brings the Bailey crowd towards the university heights district.

The shooter, no doubt in my mind was no drinking, and was from the surrounding area. I honestly probably have seen him a few times already just walking around the area. There are about 3 groups in the area that walk around causing trouble (Car popping, muggings, BNE + theft …). No I have not actually seen them commit a crime but their intentions are clear. (walking down the middle of the street looking into every car they pass, you don’t just do that unless you are interested in something that is inside)

Does UB need to do anything about the main street area? No. They do need to view it as a place for their students to relax on the weekends and have fun, and provide the appropriate amount of protection in the area. (which i feel they have stepped that up slightly, since I do see more cop cars hanging out in the wilson farms and franks on the run)

Additionally, bitches like Jane Miller that live in the area think that college kids are ultimately the problem so they call the cops at any hint of a college party in the area. driving more students out… Thankfully she is leaving shortly.

Main street needs more college students and the problems will flush out.

Someone else said Dress code to keep the problems out. :tup: I agree.

To be fair, bars like 3rd base don’t have as many problems like that because they’re not the places people go to get laid. If you guys changed over to a “club” format, full of skanks, even if you were hard about ID the fights would still go way up.

I agree they need to get more students in. Students and their parents though, do not want to rent shit hole houses.

They need to fix up the area, and it will come back. It has to start with UB pressuring landlords though.

Looks like there are people investing here.

Anyone have any details on the project near Buffstate? They are converting a huge old warehouse to student type housing and I can’t remember the name of it.

There are tons of hot girls in third base now. maybe not outright skanks, but by the time someone hits 21 they generally are mature enough and have blown past that “I’ll fuck anyone that gets near me” phase.

Other bars are much more relaxed, ie letting girls in under 21 as 21, or letting everyone in under 21 as 21. They are still immature.

Ah PJ bottoms, god, i remember going there when I was 15. I had my friends ID which said I was 18 (casinos) then I chalked it to say I was like 23…

No wonder they got shut down for underage drinking.

x2. If you aren’t a fuckbag, you can definitely find some decent tail at 3rd base.

are you going to be at the 3rd base tonight?

i’m heading up there with a friend and a few broads.
never been before

I’ll probably be there too with a few people. :tup:

Yea, they are calling it the commons or the yard or something. Love the idea, great location in relation to Buffstate / elmwood / the river. I rode my bike past it the other day. if they are going to be ready by their advertised august 09 date though, they have a ton of work ahead of them.

edit: now that I actually clicked the link, totally different building.

Yea crowd pending I’ll be at the door. or walking around watching people… This is the first Off week. so who knows what the crowd is going to be like.

Yeah, but even the girls over 21 that fights get started over are usually at clubs. Add two broski’s that like the same broad, and a dance floor, with booze, and there’s your fights. Similar to how I’ve never seen a fight at Croc downtown, except one time when someone’s Harley got keyed by a passerby who apparently had a death wish, but all of the club type bars have 20 a night.
Then again, they’re harder on ID’s than the rest of DT too. Maybe the club scene and underage sluts just go hand in hand.

I drive by that paper warehouse every day on my way home from work. I approve of this project. Step 2 is picking up a lunch break slampiece that lives there :tup:

Yeah I was referring to two separate things. I doubt that project is getting down by Aug. that’s a shitload of work.