The unofficial Wii buying thread.

You wont be able to get one now, they sold out instantly this morning. There were 400 in line at best buy, they had 84 of them.


i just got done doing the boxing with my brother and im sweating my balls off, no more fat lazy gamers

My first impressions of the remote are very positive. It’s one of the most solid controllers I’ve seen. And surprisingly for being lightweight, it feels like I could toss it against a wall with little damage. The only weak points I noticed with the with entire system is:

-Clear plastic clip on nunchuck(sp?) that the safety strap is run though could break if it was bent at any severe angle.
-Clear plastic support base could break with abuse. If you even attach it.
-Negative battery terminals on the remote seem a bit on the cheap side. But that could be due to the fact they used more of a rotary style spring to hold the batteries in tighter.

Besides that the build quality seems to be top-notch. The machine it self is about the size of 3 DVD cases stacked. The only noises from it that I’ve heard are from the drive itself are on the initial reading of the disc.


FUcking Zelda is gonna make me buy this system. I am such a nerd :cry:

haha MTZ or VH1 had a top ten video games thing on the other day and they had zleda for 64 as the #1…made me want ot pick up another N64 just for it…such a great game!

yeah and ive read 2 reviews that have already said that the new zelda is better than that one. :eek:

we sold 84 wii’s at opening people lined up at 7 we opened at 9

and did you sell out?

im sure there are plenty of places that have em if they reported having as many as they did… maybe not at the moment but give is a couple days i bet tuesday will roll more

I may take you up on that after thanksgiving if i don’t end up killing someone for one. Glad you enjoy it, can’t wait for your zelda review/

bleh all the stores near me are out, and i hate calling around for them. Ill wait a few days and im sure they will be in stock

Should be interesting because the last Zelda game I played was Zelda II: Adventures of Link.

The day is going by so slowly I want to play it so bad, working weekends fucking blows. :tdown:

Been hearing that Nintendo planned a second shipment for Black Friday but good luck doing any shopping that day :bloated:

has anyone played yet?

my friends got one, so far all I have played is bowling but umm ya it ownzzz, and a little of the rayman game, which is funny

Holy Fuck, I am actually sore from playing this so much yesterday. Wii> *. Video games aren’t supposed to be this fun and interactive. I was actually sweating after 3 rounds of boxing. I played Wii Sports for about 12 hours yesterday with my friends, I didn’t even open Madden or Zelda yet, and I played Call of Duty for about 10 minutes just to see how the controls worked/felt. They were fine. I can’t wait for this long weekend so I can get started on Zelda.

This thing actually got my G/F and my buddies G/F to get off their asses and actually play the video games with us rather than watch. They were getting pissed if we skipped their turns or played without them.

i was out shopping last year on black friday, and it wasnt bad in the mall and shit. just stay out of tech stores.

i did all my x-mas shopping in 1 day and saved a bunch of loot.

oh, and i am so buying one of these once i finish putting my bathroom back together.

Btw, if anyone finds a place that still has extra remotes let me know I need to get some more remotes for this thing.

How many remotes can you sync up to it? Is it only 4?

Indeed it is 4.