You could say that about any tax. It doesn’t always work. In this case, it would likely drive up oil demand enough to shift a lot of the lost tax revenue into the hands of the oil companies, and create a hole in the federal budget.
True even if it doesn’t drive up demand the price will increase.
Well, there in lies the rub. Thats the biggest issue in government IMO (fiscally), and this tax vacation isn’t going to help it at all.
Yeah? More typical NY politician bullshit. “We’ll LOSE x dollars if we cap it”. Fuck you asshole. When you passed these taxes you never thought gas was going to outpace inflation by such a huge margin. That windfall in tax you’re getting is money you should have never got in the first place. But, in typical NY fashion, once you get the money you’ll never give it up.
Remember our “temporary” sales tax increase? Yeah, like that will ever go away now. All you’ll hear is how much they’re going to “LOSE” if you take it away. You can’t lose something you were never entitled to in the first place.
fucking :word:
Well for those that actually pay taxes, the tax rebate checks was money that came from MY wallet and its going back into MY wallet. If we are so concerned with the way that the government spends money ( and I believe that true entitlements are utter BS) lets look at cutting stuff. Lets cut all the fat local, state and federal jobs that pay great money for a shit job. Lets stop giving ever shit bag teenager that got knocked up a house better than the one i own, cause its curel to put them in an apartment, lets stop giving college to welfare bums kids. I worked my ass off, served 10 years in the service, and I still don’t get half of what the free loading shit bags in this state get for free. And by free, I mean with MY goddam money, YOUR goddam money, and every one else that actually contributes to the tax pool. We pay over 50 percent of what we make in taxes. Think about it, you work mon, tues and wed till lunch to pay for just taxes. I believe that removing the tax for just a few months won’t help, but remove it for the rest of my life, and now were talking.
If you fix all the BS give away feel good shit, there would be plenty of money in the general fund to still fix roads. We don’t need to pay income tax, property tax, and school tax, and then when that is all said say that “oh, well that just pays for schools, medicare, medicaid and welfare, the roads need taxes to fix them”. Look at the cost of fuel breakdown, theres alot more than 5 cents of taxes in there, we pay more than enough.
Educate yourself, no one is going to lose a job, roads will still be repaired. There is 70 cents a gallon being taken in taxes, believe me, that money isn’t going to roads, its going into BS general fund programs.
Hey im all for scaling down government programs/spending. It doesnt happen too often though, politicians dont get popular cutting programs. As far as rebates, I would like to see them when gov scales down saving $, not just issuing checks to people without a way to pay for it.
i hate the taxes of this country.
I wish just a standard tax a rate on shit people BUY, not earn. If you are working a full time job, that money should be yours. Privatize social security. Make the only deduction is health care and maybe a SMALL tax rate. Then raise the sales tax to 15% and drop the added taxes on gas.
agree with you 100%
Move to the netherlands :shrug:
We have one of the lower tax rates out there.
m’fin dawt.
Ya lets cut state/federal jobs and put good people out of work, great idea. If you are “working for your money” then thats your own fault
just, wow.
lol :retard:
Between 5/26 and 9/1 you will drive 10500 miles. At 11 miles per gallon, you will burn 954.5 gallons of Gasoline.
Your Total Tax Relief would be $175.63
yea its just another ploy to try to make politicians look like they are doing something other than the real solution, find a way to reduce consumption.
i give barrack credit for standing up and not supporting it and realizing that is a worthless fix to a large problem.
Why don’t they just cap oil companys profits.
Theres no need to make 100’s of billions of dollars in PROFIT
Thats after everyone is payed, all the workers ect.
Its ridiculous as hell, The government needs to come in and cap gas prices at $2.25.
Gas companys would have to agree, A little is better than none at all.
Taking taxes off will increase the demand, supply is fixed for number of reasons -> Economics 101 says prices go up pretty much back to where they were. You save nothing, oil company makes more profit(but not nearly as much as what govt. loses). Sounds like a great idea - where do I sign up?
Because that would make you a communist, and nobody likes them: