The walking dead.

The show is not known for it’s smart survival skills.

This is true. I think thats why it drives me insane.

Thats what i dont get about Otis putting them in the barn. She was missing for a day before they found the farm. Otis was there the entire time. until shane sacrificed his ass.

Anyway the ending was epic. I also thought for sure when dale and shane were arguing shane was going to beat his ass in the woods.

^Yeah me too. After Dale dropped the barrel of his rifle I thought for sure he was going to get drilled with a bullet or at the very least a fist.

Can’t wait till February. I have Justified to hold me over though, love that show too.

I’m stuck on Game of Thrones, and Boardwalk Empire now.

Last sons episode tonight!

American Horror Story ftmfw.

Anyone else watch it?

i watched a few just to check out the hot version of the maid

You know something though, I can’t honestly say that I wouldn’t be much like him. World goes to shit and you only think about the ones you really love(which he does) and fuck everything and anyone else who gets in the way of their safety.

I’d like to think that I would not have shot that fat fuck for bait like he did, but everything else is right on par with my thinking for these type of situations. He’s the most realistic character in the show. Him and Daryl.

I also wonder if this is the turning point for Ricks attitude now.

Note to self: Stay away from Adam during zombie apocalypse.

Fat fuck had to die. He caused the issue anyways.

Yes! Fucking love that show.

Nononono. Just saying that if I was in that exact position(Z-apoc and all) where an asshole just shot my best friends kid it would be hard to say whether I’d do just what he did or not.

Believe me if the world does go to shit and haven’t become one of those fucks, I’m one of the few people you DO want to be around. Assholes and/or zombies would have to start driving tanks to get to me and my family/friends.

World goes to shit its every man for himself. I’ll shoot anyone of you faggots for a twinky or some feminine wipes to keep my girl’s crotch smelling so fresh so clean


New episodes start Sunday 2/12/12 at 9PM.

Yup, and from what my wife read on the geek reviews(they saw four of the episodes already) it’s as if not more intense than the first season.

I know I’ll be glued to the tele this sunday.

More intense? CANT FUCKING WAIT.

Two Hours!!!

T minus 10 minutes!