There is no God - Que?

+1 you gotta “discover” it for yourself. bringing up points of discussion are always fun/entertaining, but straight up telling people what to believe is a no-no

+1 have a very similar experience

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs is my opinion on the matter. Yay America.

Did anybody watch religilous? Its pretty much what would happen if comedy, logic, and religion colided on the freeway.

Awesome movie.

All religion is good for is starting wars.

From the crusades on to the present all wars seem to have been based on religion.

I stopped believing in religion at the same time I found out Santa wasnt real.

Its just a bunch of fairy tales. Does everything a character does really have a moral to the story in real life? No.

The whole reason I became an atheist was because of pretty much what was posted in the first post. Religion and my personality did not make sense together so we went our separate ways.

I respect people’s decisions to be religious just as I hope they respect my decision to not be. The one thing I cannot stand more than anything is when someone tries to preach to me that my way of belief is wrong. How bout we make an agreement I won’t try to sell you on my beliefs if you do the same for me? If your god really wants me to be part of his/her religion they can come tell me themselves. Until then I will be living my life to please me, and not some fictitious (to me) higher power.

^ I hear you and respect your opinion :smiley:

but you’re wrong :shifty

Ehh I don’t have a religion, I believe in a higher presence… Why? I have no idea I just do.

I don’t pray, I don’t go to church, throughout the day I don’t thank some mystical being for this and that. I set my own path, I have my own destiny and life. It’s not dictated by some big guy in the sky.

I don’t care what religion anyone is, and that being said I wont sit here and mock anyone’s religion or get into debates because well you can believe whatever you want to believe.

What really kind of irritates me if you will about the Catholic/Christian whatever their all the same religion. Is that you get people saying if you want to be taken in at the gates you must repent your sins and ask for forgiveness. Going to church etcc shows him that you love him and belive bla bla bla

If “God” the all high and mighty who sees, hears, and knows everything was everything the bible says well then you shouldent have to go to church, you shouldent have to pray, your action towards others and the way you go about your life should dictate your place in heaven. If you fuck up you shouldn’t have to repent, if you go about your life doing good deeds if the good outweighs the bad and you truely are a good person even if you do fuck up you shouldent have to repent, pray or even belive in god himself. He should be able to see that you are this good person.

Watch this:

8 parts.

These people are what nightmares are made of.

if ya think about it more people have died in the hands of a higher power than any other form of death. think about all the religous started wars and such its sickening do i knock anyone for bein a bible thumper ?no i dont but come on guys really

my religion is better than yours so Im gonna kill you. Thats what it seems starts wars.

Look at Hitler- he didnt like Jews so he killed them.

Say goodbye to your Nazi balls.

The 3 main reasons that I’ve seen why people don’t enjoy their faith are:

  1. They don’t understand it (you can’t love something you don’t understand)
  2. They are not willing to change their lives (i.e., “they are too attached to their vices”)
  3. They see other people of faith messing up and conclude that they’re all hypocrites (NOTE* We go to church to worship God, not people)

I was like you at one time (if I’m reading you correctly), not caring too much about anything except my job, wife and cars.

Then I came to a point where I had achieved most of the goals that I had set out for myself. I had a loving wife of 10 years, I was a Professional Firefighter (the job of my dreams), I lived in a 3 bedroom split ranch in Guilderland, and I had 3 cars in the driveway (one of which was my then brand new Black/Black '95 Mustang Cobra).

But then I said to myself “Is this it?”

Sure, I could get a bigger house and nicer cars. And after that, I could get an even nicer house and faster cars. Etc., etc., etc …

And suddenly, life seemed somewhat pointless to me. So I asked myself "If there was something else to our lives (a “higher order” if you will) then that “higher order” would have definitely left some evidence of His existence for me to find.

Otherwise, “He” wasn’t real.

And so my journey began. That was 15 years ago, and I’ve never looked back since …

Who the fuck invited this guy? Are you that asshole that’s wasting valuable TV time on like 10 different channels on my Sunday mornings? WTF is that all about anyway? Give me mindless voilence, sports, comedy, and porn. Keep your shit within the confines of your area of worship.

You dont argue about politics or religion, pointless.

I dont think anyone has the right to tell someone who they can marry/believe in. Pisses me off.

Word, and step off my country/money while you’re at it.

In god we trust?

Fuck that, In poon, cars, and rock and roll we trust.

I am a member of the church of awesome.

I am the god of said church.

In Benny We Trust!!!

We’re all screwed now.