There is no God - Que?

or you could have just not bumped it :retardclap

Doesn’t matter, the bitching has been going on for days.


Everyone has they’re own opinions, Im not saying Im religious or not religious but I do think that whatever people need to believe in to make they’re lives better shouldnt be questioned, its like a little kid believing in santa, its great and makes them excited and hopefull, once they find out there is no santa the magic is gone so to speak. I dont see any harm in believing in God or whatever religion you believe in as long as its not “cult” like, that I think is dumb as hell. :thumbup

mmmm noodles with meatballs! :lol

And snail eyes! Wow! :excited

That was actually pretty fun…because I LOVE the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air show. I have the first four seasons hah.

synopsis of thread:
ilya/stg2yaddayadda = religious nuts
benny/nicole = funny
frc/celtic/myself = dont give a fuck about supposed “religion” and would rather live fuckin life than hear about how great god is or isnt…


i hardly read anything in this thread… but this…

I could come in here and rant about how sex is overrated and not needed to live a happy life, but then I would be lying…


People take religion to serious, thats the problem. Ok, you believe what you believe, no need to force that shyt on me.

Oh, and I went to catholic school from k-12

Here, let me give you another take on things …

ilya/stg2yaddayadda = Men Of Faith (i.e. “we still make mistakes, but at least we’re trying”)
benny/nicole = funny doesn’t last 4ever, but neither do we … and then a decision must be made
frc/celtic/myself = gives the appearance to not care about God, but then … (see “benny/nicole”)

There, that’s better!

No one said sex is not enjoyable. We all know that it can be.

But face it, most of our life is taken up by other things (job, sleep, working on our cars, etc.).

My understanding of it (along with over a billion other people) is that God is the one who invented sex in the first place. But like everything else after the Fall of Creation, most people’s proper understanding of it has been lost.

And the fallout of having lost that understanding is what we’re still dealing with now.

Right here in this thread … today.


thanx for editing that… i didnt feel like looking at all those words i wasnt going to read.


I am pretty sure that they have had surveys about these types of things. Something like 70% of the U.S. population are “Christians” or believe in the christian god. While 10% or less of the population are secular or atheist or non believers. The prison population is over 90% “Christians” and less than 1% non religious. Im pretty sure the divorce rates are lower as well. You cant really say you are not an atheist either because you are…If you are a christian you are an atheist to every other religion and god that has ever been created throughout history…I am just an atheist to all gods and religions…only one more than you…