GALAGER is a beast

that sucks man. the window, like you said is what would upset me the most.

joys of owning a business in Schenectady bro, fucking scumbag central…


I’d worry more abotu that polar bear than I would the shotgun :rofl

I’ve delivered parts to inline for work. Thats my PJB post of the day

I mean what would you do if a thing that looked like the polar bear from lost came running at you lol

sorry to hear this seamus !

do the trip wire thing but u gotta get up and run quick because they might realize it…

you missed the part where the perp is black…

wow that sucks…


I would feel bad,but since I do not even know you and you were an ass hole to me,you got what you deserved,now try being nicer to people

Dear Trunks,

You are a douchebag.

Everyone on Shift518

It wasn’t worth breaking the window. I cut my hand a bit and the fucking tires have signs of starting to dry rot.

I gave them to germanpsi and I think he gave them away for free. Total fucking waste of my time.


Black people don’t steal, they are too busy working


put a help wanted sign on the back door, blacks won’t come within 2 miles

This is too true. The flower place across the street from my house put up a help wanted sign in their window and now I haven’t seen the black guy who lives below me in weeks. When I got up this morning my landlord was there cleaning out the apartment.

black jokes make me laugh.

Spread job applications and child support paperwork throughout the property. Problem solved