Things that suck v. Elise [Now with daytime pics]

not cool :tdown:

Dealing with insurance companies is the pitts. I’d rather get a root canal. Start making your case for court now. Keep a record of every conversation, phone call etc. Get a lawer or get screwed. It’s the american way.

That’s horrible man, sorry.

Im just glad the “HYPHY” plate is still in tact.

awww :frowning:


beat the kid with a roffle iron

I can picture this kid explaining this to his mom an dad. Uh yeah dad i had an accident, i hit a lotus.

“that kid” sucks

Definitely need new v. tunnels, I’d want the flat underbody panel behind them checked, new grills, and if you can get insurance to spring for it, get a new clam too. That really sucks Newman. :frowning:

wow i cant even imagine what that kid was thinking when he hit ur car


:tdown: And best of all, in NY it’s your fault too.


It happened in Ontario, CA.

So his insurance company has to follow Ontario law which says his (Newman’s) insurance company has to eat the costs, they can NOT charge him a deductible and can NEVER penalize him for this by raising his rates or charging him anything extra.

I’ll gladly get hit in Ontario again :tup:

And since everyone I talked to yesterday had forgotten my little Canadian collision, Here is the Vid again:

Right Click, Save As HERE


wow i cant even imagine what that kid was thinking when he hit ur car


His hand was bloody from pounding the ground…


wow i cant even imagine what that kid was thinking when he hit ur car


if iam getting in a accident iam gunning down the most expensive thing on the road

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:51,topic:29980"”]

It happened in Ontario, CA.

So his insurance company has to follow Ontario law which says his (Newman’s) insurance company has to eat the costs, they can NOT charge him a deductible and can NEVER penalize him for this by raising his rates or charging him anything extra.

I’ll gladly get hit in Ontario again :tup:

And since everyone I talked to yesterday had forgotten my little Canadian collision, Here is the Vid again:

(Link will be active 20 minutes from now)

Right Click, Save As HERE


i heard a rumor once that u have to call and get permission from ur insurance company to have insurance in canada i dont know if thats true


i heard a rumor once that u have to call and get permission from ur insurance company to have insurance in canada i dont know if thats true


Maybe if you have a shitty insurance company :gotme:


i heard a rumor once that u have to call and get permission from ur insurance company to have insurance in canada i dont know if thats true


YOu used to have to have a canadian ins card, not any more…

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:55,topic:29980"”]

Maybe if you have a shitty insurance company :gotme:


i never looked into it. my insurance company is grear 10500 in damage to my car 3k in property damage and my insurance still keeps going down

Hyphy should be changed immediately to CNDA SCKS or the likes:2fingers:

lol canada cruises frequently end up bad… :confused:

if your smart, your legal right is to tell insurance adjuster…
You want it done in PAC ’ Pre Accident Condition ’

I do this shit all the time. You need to make sure insurance adjuster Replaces Factory Parts on Demand ’ None of the ’ we can fix this yada yada ’ Especially if the Kid has New York Central Insurance or AllState…