This can't be good

I’m finally coming around to fixing it properly.
after cutting it out
What to do now… Needless to say I wont be sitting in my car for a bit unless i need to… :moon:

get bigger pics?

Photobucket is being ghey i cant fix that shyt

pop rivet it or weld it then silocone it to water proof it then paint it in primer then ur done

Cut ALL the rust out, and any remaining rust such as along the edge, grind down till you get to bare metal. Then like kollo said, cut a patch, weld in, seam seal and paint.

man cut your losses and sell her for parts!

use brushable seam-sealer… it’s cheap, and it’s like liquid fiberglass… that is after you did what they said cut & rivet/weld

i suggest welding it. its not hard. especially that where one of the seat mounts were. i guess no one noticed that?

Yeah I’d never rivet repairs man, for the time and effort of welding it, or paying someone to do it, it’s totally worth it. Especially on a unibody car.

Flintstones Car Good Luck With That:P

that is not to bad, very fixable.

Yeah, just a little surface rust.

just put down a nice rug and no one will even know there is a hole there.

Yeah, just ask Nelly. He’ll tell you that’s the BEST way to fix rust.

I could fix it, pm me

hold the phone if u gotta a hole that big there what does ur frame rails look like and the foor under ur pedals cuz my s13 was really bad under the pedals BUT fine where u got a problem

The first pics seem to be working so I thought I would share with you what I did. There was no way I was going to cut my losses and part it out, first off I’m broke, and second I’ve put too much into this car, plus the frames are still good they have been well rust proofed. Any way so I decided to rivet, its cheep its strong and I could do it my self. Taking a day in a welding class and not having the equipment would not be efficient enough to test it out. So, I went to a place called welding and fabrication on mavis and asked them to cut me a measured piece of 14-16 gage steal. They did so, I brought it back, hammered it a bit to bend it proper like, and then cleaned up all the rust, cut out most of it, sanded down the rest put some rubberized paint to stop the rust from happening again. I then riveted the piece on. The pics stand for the rest of the description, I still need some under bodywork, but it seems good, and much stronger then before, I’m happy.:clown: