This is bull SHIT!

I dunno my pong game has been spot on lately, I don’t think you clowns will have a chance


Bring it I dare you!!

Beer pong is retarded, go to the fucking bar.

Where are they all going to get fake IDs tho?! :rofl


Maybe its just me but Id rather drink my beer than play with it.

don’t be gay! so you stink at throwing balls into cups… don’t cry!:smiley:

Actually I think the only one who isn’t over 21 is chris… lol

And drinking at home is much cheaper than at bars… Linz and I have done the bar scene. it’s nothing but skanks… I’d rather drink and have fun in my own space!

Ive seriously never even attempted to play beer pong.

I must be one of the few that goes to bars and doesnt try to hook up with anybody. Im there to hang out with friends and get drunk and have a good time.

Its fun to go out but its definately alot cheaper to drink at somebody’s house though.

People always want to fight me at bars…lol. I have no idea why.

They’re probably like “Theres that n i g g a with the DSLR… git em!”

because your a shit head

  • 1 but i always find myself playing it

:rofl yea

SAME HERE LOL i gotta get a goon squad together for REAL

The fighting thing happens with girls too… I hate when I’m out with some friends having a good time and there is THAT ONE GUY who is plastered and keeps getting too close or breathing on you funny… yuck

Beer pong is fun! It’s competitive and you get drunk quite quickly… It’s something a little more exciting than say sitting on the couch all night watching TV.

Don’t get me wrong I like to drink my beer too… but when it’s a friendly game and everyone is having fun what’s the deal?:smiley:

Haha, in all honesty I would be the last person in a fight or to start a fight…but for some odd reason people want to fight “the guy in the glasses.” No joke…

ya i never start fights ! they often try to fight with me over some girl shit and its usually a misunderstanding :smiley:


^ he feels the same way " always want to fight the short kid who makes smart comments" :rofl


Hey assbag ur coming with tonight right?