try a different pic maybe your’s is effed up

tried 4 different ones of all different sizes from different locations.

Then that only leaves one thing:

You’re not JDM enough.

Send me a link to your pic and I’ll try it here. Most likely it’s the size (all of them just happened to be over the limit). Typically size is limited to 200x200 or so.

I’d save it to your PC and then upload it to a place such as imageshack and resize it to like 150x150.

welcome to vbulletin, home of the worst forum search engine EVAR.

what your looking at is liek 70% done, so give it some time guys (and nicole :smiley: )

and things will work out

the smilies, i started adding them then i went to bed ! LOL i’ll add more trust me

The skin is temporary, this thing is ugly anyways


And don’t worry Singh, I’m getting used to it.
Only thing I really miss is the rest of the smilies, and the most recent posts showing up on the home page.

Green skin FTL.

omg new technology ftl

lol…Nicole…you crack me up.

What is it with you and green? lol.

I know, and those are things that will be done dont worry, gotta give me time

And joey, I agree, this skin FTL, i’ll change it later, right now I have to do some work for a client after thats done I will be able to come here make some good changes.

I’m holding you to that. I am taking that as your promise I WILL HAVE GREEN. :stuck_out_tongue:

All the skins suck

You suck…

Thanks for the work.

May be it had already been mentioned, all the video codes like [youtube][/youtube] & [flash][/flash] stopped working after the switch.

the youtube stuff was a plugin for SMF, and thats not a feature that comes with vbulletin, but it can be added later for sure, thats on the backburner of the things to do right now

I’ve fixed the search issue now

the grey skin looks like poopie


word not liking this grey skin either, dawg